SMOP: Stochastic trust region method for multi-objective problems

The problem considered is a multi-objective optimization problem, in which the goal is to find an optimal value of a vector function representing various criteria. The aim of this work is to develop an algorithm which utilizes the trust region framework with probabilistic model functions, able to cope with noisy problems, using inaccurate functions and … Read more

Almost-sure convergence of iterates and multipliers in stochastic sequential quadratic optimization

Stochastic sequential quadratic optimization (SQP) methods for solving continuous optimization problems with nonlinear equality constraints have attracted attention recently, such as for solving large-scale data-fitting problems subject to nonconvex constraints. However, for a recently proposed subclass of such methods that is built on the popular stochastic-gradient methodology from the unconstrained setting, convergence guarantees have been … Read more

LSOS: Line-search Second-Order Stochastic optimization methods for nonconvex finite sums

We develop a line-search second-order algorithmic framework for minimizing finite sums. We do not make any convexity assumptions, but require the terms of the sum to be continuously differentiable and have Lipschitz-continuous gradients. The methods fitting into this framework combine line searches and suitably decaying step lengths. A key issue is a two-step sampling at … Read more