On the longest chain of faces of the completely positive and copositive cones

We consider a wide class of closed convex cones K in the space of real n*n symmetric matrices and establish the existence of a chain of faces of K, the length of which is maximized at n(n+1)/2 + 1. Examples of such cones include, but are not limited to, the completely positive and the copositive … Read more

Approximation hierarchies for copositive cone over symmetric cone and their comparison

We first provide an inner-approximation hierarchy described by a sum-of-squares (SOS) constraint for the copositive (COP) cone over a general symmetric cone. The hierarchy is a generalization of that proposed by Parrilo (2000) for the usual COP cone (over a nonnegative orthant). We also discuss its dual. Second, we characterize the COP cone over a … Read more

On Standard Quadratic Programs with Exact and Inexact Doubly Nonnegative Relaxations

The problem of minimizing a (nonconvex) quadratic form over the unit simplex, referred to as a standard quadratic program, admits an exact convex conic formulation over the computationally intractable cone of completely positive matrices. Replacing the intractable cone in this formulation by the larger but tractable cone of doubly nonnegative matrices, i.e., the cone of … Read more

Lyapunov rank of polyhedral positive operators

If K is a closed convex cone and if L is a linear operator having L(K) a subset of K, then L is a positive operator on K and L preserves inequality with respect to K. The set of all positive operators on K is denoted by pi(K). If J is the dual of K, … Read more

Inner Approximations of Completely Positive Reformulations of Mixed Binary Quadratic Programs: A Unified Analysis

Every quadratic programming problem with a mix of continuous and binary variables can be equivalently reformulated as a completely positive optimization problem, i.e., a linear optimization problem over the convex but computationally intractable cone of completely positive matrices. In this paper, we focus on general inner approximations of the cone of completely positive matrices on … Read more

Analysis of Copositive Optimization Based Linear Programming Bounds on Standard Quadratic Optimization

The problem of minimizing a quadratic form over the unit simplex, referred to as a standard quadratic optimization problem, admits an exact reformulation as a linear optimization problem over the convex cone of completely positive matrices. This computationally intractable cone can be approximated from the inside and from the outside by two sequences of nested … Read more

On the non-homogeneity of completely positive cones

Given a closed cone C in the Euclidean n-space, the completely positive cone of C is the convex cone K generated by matrices of the form uu^T as u varies over C. Examples of completely positive cones include the positive semidefinite cone (when C is the entire Euclidean n-space) and the cone of completely positive … Read more

Symmetric tensor approximation hierarchies for the completely positive cone

In this paper we construct two approximation hierarchies for the completely positive cone based on symmetric tensors. We show that one hierarchy corresponds to dual cones of a known polyhedral approximation hierarchy for the copositive cone, and the other hierarchy corresponds to dual cones of a known semidefinite approximation hierarchy for the copositive cone. As … Read more

On the Accuracy of Uniform Polyhedral Approximations of the Copositive Cone

We consider linear optimization problems over the cone of copositive matrices. Such conic optimization problems, called {\em copositive programs}, arise from the reformulation of a wide variety of difficult optimization problems. We propose a hierarchy of increasingly better outer polyhedral approximations to the copositive cone. We establish that the sequence of approximations is exact in … Read more