Bi-level multi-criteria optimization to include linear energy transfer into proton treatment planning

In proton therapy treatment planning, the aim is to ensure tumor control while sparing the various surrounding risk structures. The biological effect of the irradiation depends on both physical dose and linear energy transfer (LET). In order to include LET alongside physical dose in plan creation, we propose to formulate the proton treatment planning problem … Read more

A Column Generation Approach for the Lexicographic Optimization of Intra-Hospital Transports

Over the last fewyears, the efficient design of processes in hospitals and medical facilities has received more and more attention, particularly when the improvement of the processes is aimed at relieving theworkload of medical staff. To this end,we have developed a method to determine optimal allocations of intra-hospital transports to hospital transport employees. When optimizing … Read more

Approximations for Pareto and Proper Pareto solutions and their KKT conditions

There has been numerous amount of studies on proper Pareto points in multiobjective optimization theory. Geoffrion proper points are one of the most prevalent form of proper optimality. Due to some convergence issues a restricted version of these proper points, Geoffrion proper points with preset bounds has been introduced recently. Since solution of any algorithm … Read more