Max-min separability: incremental approach and application to supervised data classification

A new algorithm for the computation of a piecewise linear function separating two finite point sets in $n$-dimensional space is developed and the algorithm is applied to solve supervised data classification problems. The algorithm computes hyperplanes incrementally and it finds as many hyperplanes as necessary to separate two sets with respect to some tolerance. An … Read more

The Speed of Shor’s R-Algorithm

Shor’s r-algorithm is an iterative method for unconstrained optimization, designed for minimizing nonsmooth functions, for which its reported success has been considerable. Although some limited convergence results are known, nothing seems to be known about the algorithm’s rate of convergence, even in the smooth case. We study how the method behaves on convex quadratics, proving … Read more

A Proximal Cutting Plane Method Using Chebychev Center for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization

An algorithm is developed for minimizing nonsmooth convex functions. This algorithm extends Elzinga-Moore cutting plane algorithm by enforcing the search of the next test point not too far from the previous ones, thus removing compactness assumption. Our method is to Elzinga-Moore’s algorithm what a proximal bundle method is to Kelley’s algorithm. Instead of lower approximations … Read more

Discrete gradient method: a derivative free method for nonsmooth optimization

In this paper a new derivative-free method is developed for solving unconstrained nonsmooth optimization problems. This method is based on the notion of a discrete gradient. It is demonstrated that the discrete gradients can be used to approximate subgradients of a broad class of nonsmooth functions. It is also shown that the discrete gradients can … Read more

A conic interior point decomposition approach for large scale semidefinite programming

We describe a conic interior point decomposition approach for solving a large scale semidefinite programs (SDP) whose primal feasible set is bounded. The idea is to solve such an SDP using existing primal-dual interior point methods, in an iterative fashion between a {\em master problem} and a {\em subproblem}. In our case, the master problem … Read more

Computing Proximal Points on Nonconvex Functions

The proximal point mapping is the basis of many optimization techniques for convex functions. By means of variational analysis, the concept of proximal mapping was recently extended to nonconvex functions that are prox-regular and prox-bounded. In such a setting, the proximal point mapping is locally Lipschitz continuous and its set of fixed points coincide with … Read more

An incremental method for solving convex finite minmax problems

We introduce a new approach to minimizing a function defined as the pointwise maximum over finitely many convex real functions (next referred to as the “component functions”), with the aim of working on the basis of “incomplete knowledge” of the objective function. In fact, a descent algorithm is proposed which does not necessarily require at … Read more

Pattern Search Method for Discrete L_1 – Approximation

We propose a pattern search method to solve a classical nonsmooth optimization problem. In a deep analogy with pattern search methods for linear constrained optimization, the set of search directions at each iteration is defined in such a way that it conforms to the local geometry of the set of points of nondifferentiability near the … Read more

A DC piecewise affine model and a bundling technique in nonconvex nonsmooth minimization

We introduce an algorithm to minimize a function of several variables with no convexity nor smoothness assumptions. The main peculiarity of our approach is the use of an the objective function model which is the difference of two piecewise affine convex functions. Bundling and trust region concepts are embedded into the algorithm. Convergence of the … Read more

Quadratic Convergence of a Squared Smoothing Newton Method for Nonsmooth Matrix Equations and Its Applications in Semidefinite Optimization Problems

We study a smoothing Newton method for solving a nonsmooth matrix equation that includes semidefinite programming and the semidefinte complementarity problem as special cases. This method, if specialized for solving semidefinite programs, needs to solve only one linear system per iteration and achieves quadratic convergence under strict complementarity. We also establish quadratic convergence of this … Read more