A progressive barrier derivative-free trust-region algorithm for constrained optimization

We study derivative-free constrained optimization problems and propose a trust-region method that builds linear or quadratic models around the best feasible and and around the best infeasible solutions found so far. These models are optimized within a trust region, and the progressive barrier methodology handles the constraints by progressively pushing the infeasible solutions toward the … Read more

Order-based error for managing ensembles of surrogates in derivative-free optimization

We investigate surrogate-assisted strategies for derivative-free optimization using the mesh adaptive direct search (MADS) blackbox optimization algorithm. In particular, we build an ensemble of surrogate models to be used within the search step of MADS, and examine different methods for selecting the best model for a given problem at hand. To do so, we introduce … Read more

Linear equalities in blackbox optimization

The Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (Mads) algorithm is designed for blackbox optimization problems subject to general inequality constraints. Currently, Mads does not support equalities, neither in theory nor in practice. The present work proposes extensions to treat problems with linear equalities whose expression is known. The main idea consists in reformulating the optimization problem into … Read more

Dynamic scaling in the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm for blackbox optimization

Blackbox optimization deals with situations in which the objective function and constraints are typically computed by launching a time-consuming computer sim- ulation. The subject of this work is the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) class of algorithms for blackbox optimization. We propose a way to dynamically scale the mesh, which is the discrete spatial structure … Read more

Reducing the Number of Function Evaluations in Mesh Adaptive Direct Search Algorithms

The mesh adaptive direct search (MADS) class of algorithms is designed for nonsmooth optimization, where the objective function and constraints are typically computed by launching a time-consuming computer simulation. Each iteration of a MADS algorithm attempts to improve the current best-known solution by launching the simulation at a finite number of trial points. Common implementations … Read more

Snow water equivalent estimation using blackbox optimization

Accurate measurements of snow water equivalent (SWE) is an important factor in managing water resources for hydroelectric power generation. SWE over a catchment area may be estimated via kriging on measures obtained by snow monitoring devices positioned at strategic locations. The question studied in this paper is to find the device locations that minimize the … Read more

Calculating optimal conditions for alloy and process design using thermodynamic and property databases, the FactSage software and the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm

During alloy and process design, it is often desired to identify regions of design or process variables for which certain calculated functions have optimal values under various constraints, for example: compositions of minimum liquidus temperature in an N-component alloy; compositions where the amount of precipitate in a given phase is maximized or minimized during annealing … Read more

Calculating all local minima on liquidus surfaces using the FactSage software and databases and the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm

It is often of interest, for a multicomponent system, to identify the low melting compositions at which local minima of the liquidus surface occur. The experimental determination of these minima can be very time-consuming. An alternative is to employ the CALPHAD approach using evaluated thermodynamic databases containing optimized model parameters giving the thermodynamic properties of … Read more

Trade-off studies in blackbox optimization

This paper proposes a framework for trade-off analyses of blackbox constrained optimization problems. Two strategies are developed to show the trade-off of the optimal objective function value with tightening or loosening general constraints. These are a simple method which may be performed immediately after a single optimization and a detailed method performing biobjective optimization on … Read more

The mesh adaptive direct search algorithm for periodic variables

This work analyzes constrained black box optimization in which the functions defining the problem are periodic with respect to some or all the variables. We show that the natural strategy of mapping trial points into the interval defined by the period in the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) framework can be easily done in practice, … Read more