A Distributionally Robust Analysis of the Program Evaluation and Review Technique

Traditionally, stochastic project planning problems are modeled using the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). PERT is an attractive technique that is commonly used in practice as it requires specification of only a few characteristics of the activities’ duration. Moreover, its computational burden is extremely low. Over the years, four main disadvantages of PERT have … Read more

Disjoint Bilinear Optimization: A Two-Stage Robust Optimization Perspective

In this paper, we focus on a subclass of quadratic optimization problems, that is, disjoint bilinear optimization problems. We first show that disjoint bilinear optimization problems can be cast as two-stage robust linear optimization problems with fixed-recourse and right-hand-side uncertainty, which enables us to apply robust optimization techniques to solve the resulting problems. To this … Read more

Tractable approximation of hard uncertain optimization problems

In many optimization problems uncertain parameters appear in a convex way, which is problematic as common techniques can only handle concave uncertainty. In this paper, we provide a systematic way to construct conservative approximations to such problems. Specifically, we reformulate the original problem as an adjustable robust optimization problem in which the nonlinearity of the … Read more

Dual approach for two-stage robust nonlinear optimization

Adjustable robust minimization problems in which the adjustable variables appear in a convex way are difficult to solve. For example, if we substitute linear decision rules for the adjustable variables, then the model becomes convex in the uncertain parameters, whereas for computational tractability we need concavity in the uncertain parameters. In this paper we reformulate … Read more

Reducing conservatism in Robust Optimization

Although Robust Optimization is a powerful technique in dealing with uncertainty in optimization, its solutions can be too conservative when it leads to an objective value much worse than the nominal solution or even to infeasibility of the robust problem. In practice, this can lead to robust solutions being disregarded in favor of the nominal … Read more

Robust optimization for models with uncertain SOC and SDP constraints

In this paper we consider uncertain second-order cone (SOC) and semidefinite programming (SDP) constraints with polyhedral uncertainty, which are in general computationally intractable. We propose to reformulate an uncertain SOC or SDP constraint as a set of adjustable robust linear optimization constraints with an ellipsoidal or semidefinite representable uncertainty set, respectively. The resulting adjustable problem … Read more

Extending the Scope of Robust Quadratic Optimization

We derive computationally tractable formulations of the robust counterparts of convex quadratic and conic quadratic constraints that are concave in matrix-valued uncertain parameters. We do this for a broad range of uncertainty sets. In particular, we show how to reformulate the support functions of uncertainty sets represented in terms of matrix norms and cones. Our … Read more

Bridging the gap between predictive and prescriptive analytics – new optimization methodology needed

Business analytics is becoming more and more important nowadays. Up to now predictive analytics appears to be much more applied in practice than prescriptive analytics. We argue that although optimization is used to obtain predictive models, and predictive tools are used to forecast parameters in optimization models, still the deep relation between the predictive and … Read more

Efficient methods for several classes of ambiguous stochastic programming problems under mean-MAD information

We consider decision making problems under uncertainty, assuming that only partial distributional information is available – as is often the case in practice. In such problems, the goal is to determine here-and-now decisions, which optimally balance deterministic immediate costs and worst-case expected future costs. These problems are challenging, since the worst-case distribution needs to be … Read more

Adjustable robust strategies for flood protection

Flood protection is of major importance to many flood-prone regions and involves substantial investment and maintenance costs. Modern flood risk management requires often to determine a cost-efficient protection strategy, i.e., one with lowest possible long run cost and satisfying flood protection standards imposed by the regulator throughout the entire planning horizon. There are two challenges … Read more