An Approximation Algorithm for Vehicle Routing with Compatibility Constraints

We study a multiple-vehicle routing problem with a minimum makespan objective and compatibility constraints. We provide an approximation algorithm and a nearly-matching hardness of approximation result. We also provide computational results on benchmark instances with diverse sizes showing that the proposed algorithm (i) has a good empirical approximation factor, (ii) runs in a short amount … Read more

An Integrated Car-and-ride Sharing System for Mobilizing Heterogeneous Travelers with Application in Underserved Communities

The fast-growing carsharing and ride-hailing businesses are generating economic benefits and societal impacts in the modern society. However, both have limitation to cover demand from diverse populations, e.g., travelers in low-income, underserved communities. In this paper, we consider two types of travelers: Type~1 who rent shared cars and Type~2 who need shared rides. We propose … Read more

Scenario grouping and decomposition algorithms for chance-constrained programs

A lower bound for a finite-scenario-based chance-constrained program is the quantile value corresponding to the sorted optimal objective values of scenario subproblems. This quantile bound can be improved by grouping subsets of scenarios at the expense of solving larger subproblems. The quality of the bound depends on how the scenarios are grouped. In this paper, … Read more

Ambiguous Chance-Constrained Binary Programs under Mean-Covariance Information

We consider chance-constrained binary programs, where each row of the inequalities that involve uncertainty needs to be satis ed probabilistically. Only the information of the mean and covariance matrix is available, and we solve distributionally robust chance-constrained binary programs (DCBP). Using two different ambiguity sets, we equivalently reformulate the DCBPs as 0-1 second-order cone (SOC) programs. … Read more

Risk Averse Shortest Path Interdiction

We consider a Stackelberg game in a network, where a leader minimizes the cost of interdicting arcs and a follower seeks the shortest distance between given origin and destination nodes under uncertain arc traveling cost. In particular, we consider a risk-averse leader, who aims to keep high probability that the follower’s traveling distance is longer … Read more

Parallel Scenario Decomposition of Risk Averse 0-1 Stochastic Programs

In this paper, we extend a recently proposed scenario decomposition algorithm (Ahmed (2013)) for risk-neutral 0-1 stochastic programs to the risk-averse setting. Specifically, we consider risk-averse 0-1 stochastic programs with objective functions based on coherent risk measures. Using a dual representation of a coherent risk measure, we first derive an equivalent minimax reformulation of the … Read more

Integer Programming Approaches for Appointment Scheduling with Random No-shows and Service Durations

We consider a single-server scheduling problem given a fixed sequence of appointment arrivals with random no-shows and service durations. The probability distribution of the uncertain parameters is assumed to be ambiguous and only the support and first moments are known. We formulate a class of distributionally robust (DR) optimization models that incorporate the worst-case expectation/conditional … Read more

Submodular Minimization in the Context of Modern LP and MILP Methods and Solvers

We consider the application of mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) solvers to the minimization of submodular functions. We evaluate common large-scale linear-programming (LP) techniques (e.g., column generation, row generation, dual stabilization) for solving a LP reformulation of the submodular minimization (SM) problem. We present heuristics based on the LP framework and a MILP solver. We evaluated … Read more

Decomposition Algorithm for Optimizing Multi-server Appointment Scheduling with Chance Constraints

We schedule appointments with random service durations on multiple servers with operating time limits. We minimize the costs of operating servers and serving appointments, subject to a joint chance constraint limiting the risk of server overtime. Using finite samples of the uncertainty, we formulate the problem as a mixed-integer linear program, and propose a two-stage … Read more

Optimization Models for Differentiating Quality of Service Levels in Probabilistic Network Capacity Design Problems

This paper develops various chance-constrained models for optimizing the probabilistic network design problem (PNDP), where we differentiate the quality of service (QoS) and measure the related network performance under uncertain demand. The upper level problem of PNDP designs continuous/discrete link capacities shared by multi-commodity flows, and the lower level problem differentiates the corresponding QoS for … Read more