Accelerated Dual-Averaging Primal-Dual Method for Composite Convex Minimization

Dual averaging-type methods are widely used in industrial machine learning applications due to their ability to promoting solution structure (e.g., sparsity) efficiently. In this paper, we propose a novel accelerated dual-averaging primal-dual algorithm for minimizing a composite convex function. We also derive a stochastic version of the proposed method which solves empirical risk minimization, and … Read more

Zeroth-Order Algorithms for Nonconvex Minimax Problems with Improved Complexities

In this paper, we study zeroth-order algorithms for minimax optimization problems that are nonconvex in one variable and strongly-concave in the other variable. Such minimax optimization problems have attracted significant attention lately due to their applications in modern machine learning tasks. We first design and analyze the Zeroth-Order Gradient Descent Ascent (ZO-GDA) algorithm, and provide … Read more

An Alternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCA and Sparse CCA

Sparse principal component analysis (PCA) and sparse canonical correlation analysis (CCA) are two essential techniques from high-dimensional statistics and machine learning for analyzing large-scale data. Both problems can be formulated as an optimization problem with nonsmooth objective and nonconvex constraints. Since non-smoothness and nonconvexity bring numerical difficulties, most algorithms suggested in the literature either solve … Read more

Proximal Gradient Method for Nonsmooth Optimization over the Stiefel Manifold

We consider optimization problems over the Stiefel manifold whose objective function is the summation of a smooth function and a nonsmooth function. Existing methods for solving this kind of problems can be classified into three classes. Algorithms in the first class rely on information of the subgradients of the objective function and thus tend to … Read more

Stochastic Primal-Dual Method for Empirical Risk Minimization with O(1) Per-Iteration Complexity

Regularized empirical risk minimization problem with linear predictor appears frequently in machine learning. In this paper, we propose a new stochastic primal-dual method to solve this class of problems. Different from existing methods, our proposed methods only require O(1) operations in each iteration. We also develop a variance-reduction variant of the algorithm that converges linearly. … Read more

Low-M-Rank Tensor Completion and Robust Tensor PCA

In this paper, we propose a new approach to solve low-rank tensor completion and robust tensor PCA. Our approach is based on some novel notion of (even-order) tensor ranks, to be called the M-rank, the symmetric M-rank, and the strongly symmetric M-rank. We discuss the connections between these new tensor ranks and the CP-rank and … Read more

Efficient Optimization Algorithms for Robust Principal Component Analysis and Its Variants

Robust PCA has drawn significant attention in the last decade due to its success in numerous application domains, ranging from bio-informatics, statistics, and machine learning to image and video processing in computer vision. Robust PCA and its variants such as sparse PCA and stable PCA can be formulated as optimization problems with exploitable special structures. … Read more

An ADMM-Based Interior-Point Method for Large-Scale Linear Programming

In this paper, we propose a new framework to implement interior point method (IPM) in order to solve some very large scale linear programs (LP). Traditional IPMs typically use Newton’s method to approximately solve a subproblem that aims to minimize a log-barrier penalty function at each iteration. Due its connection to Newton’s method, IPM is … Read more

Robust Principal Component Analysis using Facial Reduction

We study algorithms for robust principal component analysis (RPCA) for a partially observed data matrix. The aim is to recover the data matrix as a sum of a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix so as to eliminate erratic noise (outliers). This problem is known to be NP-hard in general. A classical way to solve … Read more

Primal-Dual Optimization Algorithms over Riemannian Manifolds: an Iteration Complexity Analysis

In this paper we study nonconvex and nonsmooth multi-block optimization over Riemannian manifolds with coupled linear constraints. Such optimization problems naturally arise from machine learning, statistical learning, compressive sensing, image processing, and tensor PCA, among others. We develop an ADMM-like primal-dual approach based on decoupled solvable subroutines such as linearized proximal mappings. First, we introduce … Read more