upgrading the network in discrete location problems with customers satisfaction

Generally speaking, in a discrete location problem the decision maker chooses a set of facilities among a finite set of possibilities and decides to which facility each customer will be allocated in order to minimize the allocation cost. However, it is natural to consider the more realistic situation in which customers have their own criterion … Read more

Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs

We consider randomized QMC methods for approximating the expected recourse in two-stage stochastic optimization problems containing mixed-integer decisions in the second stage. It is known that the second-stage optimal value function is piecewise linear-quadratic with possible kinks and discontinuities at the boundaries of certain convex polyhedral sets. This structure is exploited to provide conditions implying … Read more

Tractable Reformulations of Distributionally Robust Two-stage Stochastic Programs with $\infty- Distance

This paper studies a two-stage distributionally robust stochastic linear program under the type-∞ Wasserstein ball by providing sufficient conditions under which the program can be efficiently computed via a tractable convex program. By exploring the properties of binary variables, the developed reformulation techniques are extended to those with mixed binary random parameters. The main tractable … Read more

Two-stage Stochastic Programming with Linearly Bi-parameterized Quadratic Recourse

This paper studies the class of two-stage stochastic programs (SP) with a linearly bi-parameterized recourse function defined by a convex quadratic program. A distinguishing feature of this new class of stochastic programs is that the objective function in the second stage is linearly parameterized by the first-stage decision variable, in addition to the standard linear … Read more

Distributionally robust simple integer recourse

The simple integer recourse (SIR) function of a decision variable is the expectation of the integer round-up of the shortage/surplus between a random variable with a known distribution and the decision variable. It is the integer analogue of the simple (continuous) recourse function in two stage stochastic linear programming. Structural properties and approximations of SIR … Read more

Quantitative Stability Analysis of Stochastic Generalized Equations

We consider the solution of a system of stochastic generalized equations (SGE) where the underlying functions are mathematical expectation of random set-valued mappings. SGE has many applications such as characterizing optimality conditions of a nonsmooth stochastic optimization problem and a stochastic equilibrium problem. We derive quantitative continuity of expected value of the set-valued mapping with … Read more