A fast swap-based local search procedure for location problems

We present a new implementation of a widely used swap-based local search procedure for the P-median problem, proposed in 1968 by Teitz and Bart. Our method produces the same output as the best alternatives described in the literature and, even though its worst-case complexity is similar, it can be significantly faster in practice: speedups of … Read more

A GRASP with path-relinking for the p-median problem

Given N customers and a set F of M potential facilities, the P-median problem consists in finding a subset of F with P facilities such that the cost of serving all customers is minimized. This is a well-known NP-complete problem with important applications in location science and classification (clustering). We present here a GRASP (Greedy … Read more

A Branch-and-Price Algorithm and New Test Problems for Spectrum Auctions

When combinatorial bidding is permitted in Spectrum Auctions, such as the upcoming FCC auction #31, the resulting winner-determination problem can be computationally challenging. We present a branch-and-price algorithm based on a set-packing formulation originally proposed by Dietrich and Forrest (2002). This formulation has a variable for every possible combination of winning bids for each bidder. … Read more

Computation of Minimum Volume Covering Ellipsoids

We present a practical algorithm for computing the minimum volume n-dimensional ellipsoid that must contain m given points a_1, …, a_m \in R^n. This convex constrained problem arises in a variety of applied computational settings, particularly in data mining and robust statistics. Its structure makes it particularly amenable to solution by interior-point methods, and it … Read more

A Class of Hybrid Methods for Revenue Management

We consider a Markov decision process model of a network revenue management problem. Working within this formal framework, we study policies that combine aspects of mathematical programming approaches and pure Markov decision process methods. The policies employ heuristics early in the booking horizon, and switch to a more-detailed decision rule closer to the time of … Read more

Two-connected networks with rings of bounded cardinality

We study the problem of designing at minimum cost a two-connected network such that each edge belongs to a cycle using at most K edges. This problem is a particular case of the two-connected networks with bounded meshes problem studied by Fortz, Labbé and Maffioli. In this paper, we compute a lower bound on the … Read more

Using ACCPM in a simplicial decomposition algorithm for the traffic assignment problem

The purpose of the traffic assignment problem is to obtain a traffic flow pattern given a set of origin-destination travel demands and flow dependent link performance functions of a road network. In the general case, the traffic assignment problem can be formulated as a variational inequality, and several algorithms have been devised for its efficient … Read more

Near-optimal solutions of large-scale Single Machine Scheduling Problems

We present a lagrangean heuristic based on the time-indexed formulation of the Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Release Dates. We observe that lagrangian relaxation of job constraints leads to a Weighted Stable Set problem on an Interval Graph. The problem is polynomially solvable by a dynamic programming algorithm. Computational experience is reported on instances up … Read more

Mesh Topology Design in Overlay Virtual Private Networks

We study the mesh topology design problem in overlay virtual private networks. Given a set of customer nodes and associated traffic matrix, tunnels that are connecting node pairs through a public service provider network subject to degree constraints are determined so as to minimize total multihopped traffic. Valid inequalities strengthening the LP relaxation and a … Read more

Solving Stability Problems on a Superclass of Interval Graphs

We introduce a graph invariant, called thinness, and show that a maximum weighted stable set on a graph $G(V, E)$ with thinness $k$ may be found in $O(\frac{|V|}{k})^k$-time, if a certain representation is given. We show that a graph has thinness 1 if and only if it is an interval graph, while a graph with … Read more