A partitioning algorithm for the network loading problem

This paper proposes a Benders-like partitioning algorithm to solve the network loading problem. The effort of computing integer solutions is entirely left to a pure integer programming solver while valid inequalities are generated by solving standard nonlinear multicommodity flow problems. The method is compared to alternative approaches proposed in the literature and appears to be … Read more

An efficient method to compute traffic assignment problems with elastic demands

The traffic assignment problem with elastic demands can be formulated as an optimization problem, whose objective is sum of a congestion function and a disutility function. We propose to use a variant of the Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method to solve this problem. We test the method on instances with different congestion functions (linear with … Read more

Optimizing Call Center Staffing using Simulation and Analytic Center Cutting Plane Methods

We present a simulation-based analytic center cutting plane method to solve a sample average approximation of a call center problem of minimizing staffing costs, while maintaining an acceptable level of service in multiple time periods. We establish convergence of the method when the service level functions are discrete pseudoconcave. An extensive numerical study of a … Read more

Solving large scale linear multicommodity flow problems with an active set strategy and Proximal-ACCPM

In this paper, we propose to solve the linear multicommodity flow problem using a partial Lagrangian relaxation. The relaxation is restricted to the set of arcs that are likely to be saturated at the optimum. This set is itself approximated by an active set strategy. The partial Lagrangian dual is solved with Proximal-ACCPM, a variant … Read more

The Integration of an Interior-Point Cutting-Plane Method within a Branch-and-Price Algorithm

This paper presents a novel integration of interior point cutting plane methods within branch-and-price algorithms. Unlike the classical method, columns are generated at a “central” dual solution by applying the analytic centre cutting plane method (ACCPM) on the dual of the full master problem. First, we introduce improvements to ACCPM. We propose a new procedure … Read more