Subset selection in sparse matrices

In subset selection we search for the best linear predictor that involves a small subset of variables. From a computational complexity viewpoint, subset selection is NP-hard and few classes are known to be solvable in polynomial time. Using mainly tools from discrete geometry, we show that some sparsity conditions on the original data matrix allow … Read more

On the impact of running intersection inequalities for globally solving polynomial optimization problems

We consider global optimization of nonconvex problems whose factorable reformulations contain a collection of multilinear equations. Important special cases include multilinear and polynomial optimization problems. The multilinear polytope is the convex hull of a set of binary points satisfying a number of multilinear equations. Running intersection inequalities are a family of facet-defining inequalities for the … Read more

On decomposability of the multilinear polytope and its implications in mixed-integer nonlinear optimization

In this article, we provide an overview of some of our recent results on the facial structure of the multilinear polytope with a special focus on its decomposability properties. Namely, we demonstrate that, in the context of mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, the decomposability of the multilinear polytope plays a key role from both theoretical and algorithmic … Read more

The running intersection relaxation of the multilinear polytope

The multilinear polytope MP_G of a hypergraph G is the convex hull of a set of binary points satisfying a collection of multilinear equations. We introduce the running-intersection inequalities, a new class of facet-defining inequalities for the multilinear polytope. Accordingly, we define a new polyhedral relaxation of MP_G referred to as the running-intersection relaxation and … Read more

Subdeterminants and Concave Integer Quadratic Programming

We consider the NP-hard problem of minimizing a separable concave quadratic function over the integral points in a polyhedron, and we denote by D the largest absolute value of the subdeterminants of the constraint matrix. In this paper we give an algorithm that finds an epsilon-approximate solution for this problem by solving a number of … Read more

New SOCP relaxation and branching rule for bipartite bilinear programs

A bipartite bilinear program (BBP) is a quadratically constrained quadratic optimization problem where the variables can be partitioned into two sets such that fixing the variables in any one of the sets results in a linear program. We propose a new second order cone representable (SOCP) relaxation for BBP, which we show is stronger than … Read more

Discretization-based algorithms for generalized semi-infinite and bilevel programs with coupling equality constraints

Discretization-based algorithms are proposed for the global solution of mixed-integer nonlinear generalized semi-infinite (GSIP) and bilevel (BLP) programs with lower-level equality constraints coupling the lower and upper level. The algorithms are extensions, respectively, of the algorithm proposed by Mitsos and Tsoukalas (J Glob Optim 61(1):1–17, 2015. and by Mitsos (J Glob Optim 47(4):557–582, 2010. … Read more

On the Complexity of Testing Attainment of the Optimal Value in Nonlinear Optimization

We prove that unless P=NP, there exists no polynomial time (or even pseudo-polynomial time) algorithm that can test whether the optimal value of a nonlinear optimization problem where the objective and constraints are given by low-degree polynomials is attained. If the degrees of these polynomials are fixed, our results along with previously-known “Frank-Wolfe type” theorems … Read more

Exact Semidefinite Formulations for a Class of (Random and Non-Random) Nonconvex Quadratic Programs

We study a class of quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs), called {\em diagonal QCQPs\/}, which contain no off-diagonal terms $x_j x_k$ for $j \ne k$, and we provide a sufficient condition on the problem data guaranteeing that the basic Shor semidefinite relaxation is exact. Our condition complements and refines those already present in the literature … Read more

Extended formulations for convex hulls of some bilinear functions

We consider the problem of characterizing the convex hull of the graph of a bilinear function $f$ on the $n$-dimensional unit cube $[0,1]^n$. Extended formulations for this convex hull are obtained by taking subsets of the facets of the Boolean Quadric Polytope (BQP). Extending existing results, we propose the systematic study of properties of $f$ … Read more