Solving a Class of Semidefinite Programs via Nonlinear Programming

In this paper, we introduce a transformation that converts a class of linear and nonlinear semidefinite programming (SDP) problems into nonlinear optimization problems. For those problems of interest, the transformation replaces matrix-valued constraints by vector-valued ones, hence reducing the number of constraints by an order of magnitude. The class of transformable problems includes instances of … Read more

Simple Efficient Solutions for Semidefinite Programming

This paper provides a simple approach for solving a semidefinite program, SDP\@. As is common with many other approaches, we apply a primal-dual method that uses the perturbed optimality equations for SDP, $F_\mu(X,y,Z)=0$, where $X,Z$ are $n \times n$ symmetric matrices and $y \in \Re^n$. However, we look at this as an overdetermined system of … Read more

Geometry of Semidefinite Max-Cut Relaxations via Ranks

Semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations are proving to be a powerful tool for finding tight bounds for hard discrete optimization problems. This is especially true for one of the easier NP-hard problems, the Max-Cut problem (MC). The well-known SDP relaxation for Max-Cut, here denoted SDP1, can be derived by a first lifting into matrix space and … Read more

Improved complexity for maximum volume inscribed ellipsoids

Let $\Pcal=\{x | Ax\le b\}$, where $A$ is an $m\times n$ matrix. We assume that $\Pcal$ contains a ball of radius one centered at the origin, and is contained in a ball of radius $R$ centered at the origin. We consider the problem of approximating the maximum volume ellipsoid inscribed in $\Pcal$. Such ellipsoids have … Read more

An Interior-Point Perspective on Sensitivity Analysis in Semidefinite Programming

We study the asymptotic behavior of the interior-point bounds arising from the work of Yildirim and Todd on sensitivity analysis in semidefinite programming in comparison with the optimal partition bounds. For perturbations of the right-hand side vector and the cost matrix, we show that the interior-point bounds evaluated on the central path using the Monteiro-Zhang … Read more

A Computational Study of a Gradient-Based Log-Barrier Algorithm for a Class of Large-Scale SDPs

The authors of this paper recently introduced a transformation \cite{BuMoZh99-1} that converts a class of semidefinite programs (SDPs) into nonlinear optimization problems free of matrix-valued constraints and variables. This transformation enables the application of nonlinear optimization techniques to the solution of certain SDPs that are too large for conventional interior-point methods to handle efficiently. Based … Read more

New Results on Quadratic Minimization

In this paper we present several new results on minimizing an indefinite quadratic function under quadratic/linear constraints. The emphasis is placed on the case where the constraints are two quadratic inequalities. This formulation is known as {\em the extended trust region subproblem}\/ and the computational complexity of this problem is still unknown. We consider several … Read more

Solving standard quadratic optimization problems via linear, semidefinite and copositive programming

The problem of minimizing a (non-convex) quadratic function over the simplex (the standard quadratic optimization problem) has an exact convex reformulation as a copositive programming problem. In this paper we show how to approximate the optimal solution by approximating the cone of copositive matrices via systems of linear inequalities, and, more refined, linear matrix inequalities … Read more

A Linear Programming Approach to Semidefinite Programming Problems

Until recently, the study of interior point methods has dominated algorithmic research in semidefinite programming (SDP). From a theoretical point of view, these interior point methods offer everything one can hope for; they apply to all SDP’s, exploit second order information and offer polynomial time complexity. Still for practical applications with many constraints $k$, the … Read more

Avoiding numerical cancellation in the interior point method for solving semidefinite programs

The matrix variables in a primal-dual pair of semidefinite programs are getting increasingly ill-conditioned as they approach a complementary solution. Multiplying the primal matrix variable with a vector from the eigenspace of the non-basic part will therefore result in heavy numerical cancellation. This effect is amplified by the scaling operation in interior point methods. In … Read more