Efficient approaches for the robust network loading problem

We consider the Robust Network Loading problem with splittable flows and demands that belong to the budgeted uncertainty set. We compare the optimal solution cost and computational cost of the problem when using static routing, volume routing, affine routing, and dynamic routing. For the first three routing types, we compare the compact formulation with a … Read more

Data-driven learning in dynamic pricing using adaptive optimization

We consider the pricing problem faced by a retailer endowed with a finite inventory of a product offered over a finite planning horizon in an environment where customers are price-sensitive. The parameters of the product demand curve are fixed but unknown to the seller who only has at his disposal a history of sales data. … Read more

Multi-stage adjustable robust mixed-integer optimization via iterative splitting of the uncertainty set

In this paper we propose a methodology for constructing decision rules for integer and continuous decision variables in multiperiod robust linear optimization problems. This type of problems finds application in, for example, inventory management, lot sizing, and manpower management. We show that by iteratively splitting the uncertainty set into subsets one can differentiate the later-period … Read more

The Descriptor Continuous-Time Algebraic Riccati Equation. Numerical Solutions and Some Direct Applications

We investigate here the numerical solution of a special type of descriptor continuous-time Riccati equation which is involved in solving several key problems in robust control, formulated under very general hypotheses. We also give necessary and sufficient existence conditions together with computable formulas for both stabilizing and antistabilizing solutions in terms of the associated matrix … Read more

Adaptive Robust Optimization with Dynamic Uncertainty Sets for Multi-Period Economic Dispatch under Significant Wind

The exceptional benefits of wind power as an environmentally responsible renewable energy resource have led to an increasing penetration of wind energy in today’s power systems. This trend has started to reshape the paradigms of power system operations, as dealing with uncertainty caused by the highly intermittent and uncertain wind power becomes a significant issue. … Read more

The robust stabilization problem for discrete-time descriptor systems

We investigate here the robust stabilization problem for the descriptor discrete time systems and build an optimal solution in the case when both the nominal system and the perturbations are given in terms of left coprime factorizations. Moreover our formulas are given straight from the original data, using solely the stabilizing solutions of two Riccati … Read more

Robust Unit Commitment with Dispatchable Wind: An LP Reformulation of the Second Stage

Abstract— The increasing penetration of uncertain generation such as wind and solar in power systems imposes new challenges to the Unit Commitment (UC) problem, one of the most critical tasks in power systems operations. The two most common approaches to address these challenges — stochastic and robust optimization — have drawbacks that prevent or restrict their … Read more

Multistage Adaptive Robust Optimization for the Unit Commitment Problem

The growing uncertainty associated with the increasing penetration of wind and solar power generation has presented new challenges to the operation of large-scale electric power systems. Motivated by these challenges, we present a multistage adaptive robust optimization model for the most critical daily operational problem of power systems, namely the unit commitment (UC) problem, in … Read more

Binary Decision Rules for Multistage Adaptive Mixed-Integer Optimization

Decision rules provide a flexible toolbox for solving the computationally demanding, multistage adaptive optimization problems. There is a plethora of real-valued decision rules that are highly scalable and achieve good quality solutions. On the other hand, existing binary decision rule structures tend to produce good quality solutions at the expense of limited scalability, and are … Read more

Robust risk adjustment in health insurance

Risk adjustment is used to calibrate payments to health plans based on the relative health status of insured populations and helps keep the health insurance market competitive. Current risk adjustment models use parameter estimates obtained via regression and are thus subject to estimation error. This paper discusses the impact of parameter uncertainty on risk scoring, … Read more