Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA)

Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) is a C-language code developed to statistically find the best global fit of a nonlinear constrained non-convex cost-function over a D-dimensional space. Citation%A L. Ingber %R Global optimization C-code %I Caltech Alumni Association %C Pasadena, CA %T Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) %D 1993 %K 200701 %L Ingber:1993:CODE-ASA %O URL View … Read more

On Robust Optimization of Two-Stage Systems

Robust optimization extends stochastic programming models by incorporating measures of variability into the objective function. This paper explores robust optimization in the context of two-stage planning systems. First, we propose the use of a generalized Benders decomposition algorithm for solving robust models. Next, we argue that using an arbitrary measure for variability can lead to … Read more

Minimum Risk Arbitrage with Risky Financial Contracts

For a set of financial securities specified by their expected returns and variance/covariances we propose the concept of minimum risk arbitrage, characterize conditions under which such opportunities may exist. We use conic duality and convex analysis to derive these characterizations. For practical computation a decidability result on the existence of an arbitrage opportunity is derived. … Read more