On solving large-scale multistage stochastic problems with a new specialized interior-point approach

A novel approach based on a specialized interior-point method (IPM) is presented for solving large-scale stochastic multistage continuous optimization problems, which represent the uncertainty in strategic multistage and operational two-stage scenario trees, the latter being rooted at the strategic nodes. This new solution approach considers a split-variable formulation of the strategic and operational structures, for … Read more

Hub Network Design Problem with Capacity, Congestion and Stochastic Demand Considerations

We introduce the hub network design problem with congestion, capacity, and stochastic demand considerations (HNDC), which generalizes the classical hub location problem in several directions. In particular, we extend state-of-the-art by integrating capacity acquisition decision and congestion cost effect into the problem and allowing dynamic routing for origin-destination pairs. Connecting strategic and operational level decisions, … Read more

Mean-Covariance Robust Risk Measurement

We introduce a universal framework for mean-covariance robust risk measurement and portfolio optimization. We model uncertainty in terms of the Gelbrich distance on the mean-covariance space, along with prior structural information about the population distribution. Our approach is related to the theory of optimal transport and exhibits superior statistical and computational properties than existing models. … Read more

Risk-Averse Stochastic Optimal Control: an efficiently computable statistical upper bound

In this paper, we discuss an application of the SDDP type algorithm to nested risk-averse formulations of Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC) problems. We propose a construction of a statistical upper bound for the optimal value of risk-averse SOC problems. This outlines an approach to a solution of a long standing problem in that area of … Read more

Distributionally risk-receptive and risk-averse network interdiction problems with general ambiguity set

We introduce generalizations of stochastic network interdiction problem with distributional ambiguity. Specifically, we consider a distributionally risk-averse (or robust) network interdiction problem (DRA-NIP) and a distributionally risk-receptive network interdiction problem (DRR-NIP) where a leader maximizes a follower’s minimal expected objective value for either the worst-case or the best-case, respectively, probability distribution belonging to ambiguity set … Read more

Bayesian Distributionally Robust Optimization

We introduce a new framework, Bayesian Distributionally Robust Optimization (Bayesian-DRO), for data-driven stochastic optimization where the underlying distribution is unknown. Bayesian-DRO contrasts with most of the existing DRO approaches in the use of Bayesian estimation of the unknown distribution. To make computation of Bayesian updating tractable, Bayesian-DRO first assumes the underlying distribution takes a parametric … Read more

Risk-averse Regret Minimization in Multi-stage Stochastic Programs

Within the context of optimization under uncertainty, a well-known alternative to minimizing expected value or the worst-case scenario consists in minimizing regret. In a multi-stage stochastic programming setting with a discrete probability distribution, we explore the idea of risk-averse regret minimization, where the benchmark policy can only benefit from foreseeing Delta steps into the future. … Read more

A Finitely Convergent Cutting Plane, and a Bender’s Decomposition Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Convex and Two-Stage Convex Programs using Cutting Planes

We consider a general mixed-integer convex program. We first develop an algorithm for solving this problem, and show its nite convergence. We then develop a finitely convergent decomposition algorithm that separates binary variables from integer and continuous variables. The integer and continuous variables are treated as second stage variables. An oracle for generating a parametric … Read more

Robust Concave Utility Maximization over Chance Constraints

This paper first studies an expected utility problem with chance constraints and incomplete information on a decision maker’s utility function. The model maximizes the worst-case expected utility of random outcome over a set of concave functions within a novel ambiguity set, while the underlying probability distribution is known. To obtain computationally tractable formulations, we employ … Read more

Tractable Robust Supervised Learning Models

At the heart of supervised learning is a minimization problem with an objective function that evaluates a set of training data over a loss function that penalizes poor fitting and a regularization function that penalizes over-fitting to the training data. More recently, data-driven robust optimization based learning models provide an intuitive robustness perspective of regularization. … Read more