Pareto sensitivity, most-changing sub-fronts, and knee solutions

When dealing with a multi-objective optimization problem, obtaining a comprehensive representation of the Pareto front can be computationally expensive. Furthermore, identifying the most representative Pareto solutions can be difficult and sometimes ambiguous. A popular selection are the so-called Pareto knee solutions, where a small improvement in any objective leads to a large deterioration in at … Read more

The limitation of neural nets for approximation and optimization

We are interested in assessing the use of neural networks as surrogate models to approximate and minimize objective functions in optimization problems. While neural networks are widely used for machine learning tasks such as classification and regression, their application in solving optimization problems has been limited. Our study begins by determining the best activation function … Read more

Full-low evaluation methods for bound and linearly constrained derivative-free optimization

Derivative-free optimization (DFO) consists in finding the best value of an objective function without relying on derivatives. To tackle such problems, one may build approximate derivatives, using for instance finite-difference estimates. One may also design algorithmic strategies that perform space exploration and seek improvement over the current point. The first type of strategy often provides … Read more

Bilevel optimization with a multi-objective lower-level problem: Risk-neutral and risk-averse formulations

In this work, we propose different formulations and gradient-based algorithms for deterministic and stochastic bilevel problems with conflicting objectives in the lower level. Such problems have received little attention in the deterministic case and have never been studied from a stochastic approximation viewpoint despite the recent advances in stochastic methods for single-level, bilevel, and multi-objective … Read more

An integrated assignment, routing, and speed model for roadway mobility and transportation with environmental, efficiency, and service goals

Managing all the mobility and transportation services with autonomous vehicles for users of a smart city requires determining the assignment of the vehicles to the users and their routing in conjunction with their speed. Such decisions must ensure low emission, efficiency, and high service quality by also considering the impact on traffic congestion caused by … Read more

Convergence rates of the stochastic alternating algorithm for bi-objective optimization

Stochastic alternating algorithms for bi-objective optimization are considered when optimizing two conflicting functions for which optimization steps have to be applied separately for each function. Such algorithms consist of applying a certain number of steps of gradient or subgradient descent on each single objective at each iteration. In this paper, we show that stochastic alternating … Read more

Stochastic trust-region and direct-search methods: A weak tail bound condition and reduced sample sizing

Using tail bounds, we introduce a new probabilistic condition for function estimation in stochastic derivative-free optimization which leads to a reduction in the number of samples and eases algorithmic analyses. Moreover, we develop simple stochastic direct-search and trust-region methods for the optimization of a potentially non-smooth function whose values can only be estimated via stochastic … Read more

Inexact bilevel stochastic gradient methods for constrained and unconstrained lower-level problems

Two-level stochastic optimization formulations have become instrumental in a number ofmachine learning contexts such as continual learning, neural architecture search, adversariallearning, and hyperparameter tuning. Practical stochastic bilevel optimization problemsbecome challenging in optimization or learning scenarios where the number of variables ishigh or there are constraints. In this paper, we introduce a bilevel stochastic gradient method … Read more

The Sharpe predictor for fairness in machine learning

In machine learning (ML) applications, unfair predictions may discriminate against a minority group. Most existing approaches for fair machine learning (FML) treat fairness as a constraint or a penalization term in the optimization of a ML model, which does not lead to the discovery of the complete landscape of the trade-offs among learning accuracy and … Read more

Full-low evaluation methods for derivative-free optimization

We propose a new class of rigorous methods for derivative-free optimization with the aim of delivering efficient and robust numerical performance for functions of all types, from smooth to non-smooth, and under different noise regimes. To this end, we have developed Full-Low Evaluation methods, organized around two main types of iterations. The first iteration type … Read more