On the convergence of decomposition methods for multi-stage stochastic convex programs

We prove the almost-sure convergence of a class of sampling-based nested decomposition algorithms for multistage stochastic convex programs in which the stage costs are general convex functions of the decisions, and uncertainty is modelled by a scenario tree. As special cases, our results imply the almost-sure convergence of SDDP, CUPPS and DOASA when applied to … Read more

On the hop-constrained survivable network design problem with reliable edges

In this paper, we study the hop-constrained survivable network design problem with reliable edges. Given a graph with non-negative edge weights and node pairs Q, the hop-constrained survivable network design problem consists of constructing a minimum weight set of edges so that the induced subgraph contains at least K edge-disjoint paths containing at most L … Read more

Decomposition Algorithms with Parametric Gomory Cuts for Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Programs

We consider a class of two-stage stochastic integer programs with binary variables in the first stage and general integer variables in the second stage. We develop decomposition algorithms akin to the L-shaped or Benders methods by utilizing Gomory cuts to obtain iteratively tighter approximations of the second-stage integer programs. We show that the proposed methodology … Read more

The recoverable robust tail assignment problem

Schedule disruptions are commonplace in the airline industry with many flight-delaying events occurring each day. Recently there has been a focus on introducing robustness into airline planning stages to reduce the effect of these disruptions. We propose a recoverable robustness technique as an alternative to robust optimisation to reduce the effect of disruptions and the … Read more

Stochastic Optimization for Power System Configuration with Renewable Energy in Remote Areas

This paper presents the first stochastic mixed integer programming model for a comprehensive hybrid power system design, including renewable energy generation, storage device, transmission network, and thermal generators, in remote areas. Given the computational complexity of the model, we developed a Benders’ decomposition algorithm with Pareto-optimal cuts. Computational results show significant improvement in our ability … Read more

An LPCC Approach to Nonconvex Quadratic Programs

Filling a gap in nonconvex quadratic programming, this paper shows that the global resolution of a feasible quadratic program (QP), which is not known a priori to be bounded or unbounded below, can be accomplished in finite time by solving a linear program with linear complementarity constraints, i.e., an LPCC. Alternatively, this task can be … Read more

An improved Benders decomposition applied to a multi-layer network design problem

Benders decomposition has been widely used for solving network design problems. In this paper, we use a branch-and-cut algorithm to improve the separation procedure of Gabrel et al. and Knippel et al. for capacitated network design. We detail experiments on bilayer networks, comparing with Knippel’s previous results. CitationTechnical Reports of the ULB Computer Science Department, … Read more

Convergence Analysis of a Weighted Barrier Decomposition Algorithm for Two Stage Stochastic Programming

Mehrotra and Ozevin computationally found that a weighted primal barrier decomposition algorithm significantly outperforms the barrier decomposition proposed and analyzed in Zhao, and Mehrotra and Ozevin. This paper provides a theoretical foundation for the weighted barrier decomposition algorithm (WBDA). Although the worst case analysis of the WBDA achieves a first-stage iteration complexity bound that is … Read more

On the Implementation of Interior Point Decomposition Algorithms for Two-Stage Stochastic Conic

In this paper we develop a practical primal interior decomposition algorithm for two-stage stochastic programming problems. The framework of this algorithm is similar to the framework in Mehrotra and \”{Ozevin} \cite{MO04a,MO04b} and Zhao \cite{GZ01}, however their algorithm is altered in a simple yet fundamental way to achieve practical performance. In particular, this new algorithm weighs … Read more