Solving the Prize-collecting Rural Postman Problem

In this work we present an algorithm for solving the Prize-collecting Rural Postman Problem. This problem was recently defined and is a generalization of other arc routing problems like, for instance, the Rural Postman Problem. The main difference is that there are no required edges. Instead, there is a profit function on the edges that … Read more

A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm based on Semidefinite Programming for the Minimum k-Partition Problem

The minimum k-partition (MkP) problem is the problem of partitioning the set of vertices of a graph into k disjoint subsets so as to minimize the total weight of the edges joining vertices in the same partition. The main contribution of this paper is the design and implementation of a branch-and-cut algorithm based on semidefinite … Read more

Separation Algorithms for 0-1 Knapsack Polytopes

Valid inequalities for 0-1 knapsack polytopes often prove useful when tackling hard 0-1 Linear Programming problems. To use such inequalities effectively, one needs separation algorithms for them, i.e., routines for detecting when they are violated. We show that the separation problems for the so-called extended cover and weight inequalities can be solved exactly in O(nb) … Read more

Duality for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

This paper is a survey of and some minor extensions to the theory of duality for mixed-integer linear programs. The theory of duality for linear programs is well-developed and has been extremely successful in both theory and practice. Much of this broad framework can be extended to MILPs in principle, but this has proven largely … Read more

The Mixing-MIR Set with Divisible Capacities

We study the set $S = \{(x, y) \in \Re_{+} \times Z^{n}: x + B_{j} y_{j} \geq b_{j}, j = 1, \ldots, n\}$, where $B_{j}, b_{j} \in \Re_{+} – \{0\}$, $j = 1, \ldots, n$, and $B_{1} | \cdots | B_{n}$. The set $S$ generalizes the mixed-integer rounding (MIR) set of Nemhauser and Wolsey and … Read more

Cutting planes for multi-stage stochastic integer programs

This paper addresses the problem of finding cutting planes for multi-stage stochastic integer programs. We give a general method for generating cutting planes for multi-stage stochastic integer programs based on combining inequalities that are valid for the individual scenarios. We apply the method to generate cuts for a stochastic version of a dynamic knapsack problem … Read more

A polyhedral approach to reroute sequence planning in MPLS networks

This paper is devoted to the study of the reroute sequence planning problem in multi-protocol label switching networks from the polyhedral viewpoint. The reroute sequence plan polytope, defined as the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the reroute sequences which do not violate the network link capacities, is introduced and some of its properties … Read more

A branch-and-cut algorithm for a resource-constrained scheduling problem

This paper is devoted to the exact resolution of a strongly NP-hard resource-constrained scheduling problem, the Process Move Programming problem, which arises in relation to the operability of certain high availability real time distributed systems. Based on the study of the polytope defined as the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the admissible process … Read more

The multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times and shortage costs

We address a multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times and shortage costs that arises in real-world production planning problems. Demand cannot be backlogged, but can be totally or partially lost. The problem is NP-hard. A mixed integer mathematical formulation is presented. Our approach in this paper is to propose some classes of valid inequalities … Read more

The polar of a simple mixed-integer set

We study the convex hull $P$ of the set $S = \{(x, y) \in \Re_{+} \times Z^{n}: x + B_{i} y_{ij} \geq b_{ij}, j \in N_{i}, i \in M\}$, where $M = \{1, \ldots, m\}$, $N_{i} = \{1, \ldots, n_{i}\}$ $\forall i \in M$, $\sum_{i = 1}^{m}n_{i} = n$, and $B_{1} | \cdots | B_{m}$. … Read more