Exact Approaches to Multi-Level Vertical Orderings

We present a semide nite programming (SDP) approach for the problem of ordering vertices of a layered graph such that the edges of the graph are drawn as vertical as possible. This Multi-Level Vertical Ordering (MLVO) problem is a quadratic ordering problem and conceptually related to the well-studied problem of Multi-Level Crossing Minimization (MLCM). In contrast … Read more

Multi-level Verticality Optimization: Concept, Strategies, and Drawing Scheme

In traditional multi-level graph drawing – known as Sugiyama’s framework – the number of crossings is considered one of the most important goals. Herein, we propose the alternative concept of optimizing the verticality of the drawn edges. We formally specify the problem, discuss its relative merits, and show that drawings that are good w.r.t. verticality … Read more

Semidefinite Relaxations of Ordering Problems

Ordering problems assign weights to each ordering and ask to find an ordering of maximum weight. We consider problems where the cost function is either linear or quadratic. In the first case, there is a given profit if the element u is before v in the ordering. In the second case, the profit depends on … Read more

Exact Algorithms for the Quadratic Linear Ordering Problem

The quadratic linear ordering problem naturally generalizes various optimization problems, such as bipartite crossing minimization or the betweenness problem, which includes linear arrangement. These problems have important applications in, e.g., automatic graph drawing and computational biology. We present a new polyhedral approach to the quadratic linear ordering problem that is based on a linearization of … Read more