Effective Scenarios in Distributionally Robust Optimization with Wasserstein Distance

This paper studies effective scenarios in Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) problems defined on a finite number of realizations (also called scenarios) of the uncertain parameters. Effective scenarios are critical scenarios in DRO in the sense that their removal from the support of the considered distributions alters the optimal value. Ineffective scenarios are those whose removal … Read more

A Stochastic Benders Decomposition Scheme for Large-Scale Stochastic Network Design

Network design problems involve constructing edges in a transportation or supply chain network to minimize construction and daily operational costs. We study a stochastic version where operational costs are uncertain due to fluctuating demand and estimated as a sample average from historical data. This problem is computationally challenging, and instances with as few as  100 … Read more

Heteroscedasticity-aware residuals-based contextual stochastic optimization

We explore generalizations of some integrated learning and optimization frameworks for data-driven contextual stochastic optimization that can adapt to heteroscedasticity. We identify conditions on the stochastic program, data generation process, and the prediction setup under which these generalizations possess asymptotic and finite sample guarantees for a class of stochastic programs, including two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs … Read more

Residuals-based distributionally robust optimization with covariate information

We consider data-driven approaches that integrate a machine learning prediction model within distributionally robust optimization (DRO) given limited joint observations of uncertain parameters and covariates. Our framework is flexible in the sense that it can accommodate a variety of regression setups and DRO ambiguity sets. We investigate asymptotic and finite sample properties of solutions obtained … Read more

Data-driven sample average approximation with covariate information

We study optimization for data-driven decision-making when we have observations of the uncertain parameters within the optimization model together with concurrent observations of covariates. Given a new covariate observation, the goal is to choose a decision that minimizes the expected cost conditioned on this observation. We investigate three data-driven frameworks that integrate a machine learning … Read more