Contextual Stochastic Programs with Expected-Value Constraints

Expected-value-constrained programming (ECP) formulations are a broad class of stochastic programming problems including integrated chance constraints, risk models, and stochastic dominance formulations. Given the wide availability of data, it is common in applications to have independent contextual information associated with the target or dependent random variables of the problem. We show how to incorporate such … Read more

Data-Driven Approximation of Contextual Chance-Constrained Stochastic Programs

Uncertainty in classical stochastic programming models is often described solely by independent random parameters, ignoring their dependence on multidimensional features. We describe a novel contextual chance-constrained programming formulation that incorporates features, and argue that solutions that do not take them into account may not be implementable. Our formulation cannot be solved exactly in most cases, … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization with Markovian Data

We study a stochastic program where the probability distribution of the uncertain problem parameters is unknown and only indirectly observed via finitely many correlated samples generated by an unknown Markov chain with d states. We propose a data-driven distributionally robust optimization model to estimate the problem’s objective function and optimal solution. By leveraging results from … Read more

Robust Generalization despite Distribution Shift via Minimum Discriminating Information

Training models that perform well under distribution shifts is a central challenge in machine learning. In this paper, we introduce a modeling framework where, in addition to training data, we have partial structural knowledge of the shifted test distribution. We employ the principle of minimum discriminating information to embed the available prior knowledge, and use … Read more

Optimal Transport in the Face of Noisy Data

Optimal transport distances are popular and theoretically well understood in the context of data-driven prediction. A flurry of recent work has popularized these distances for data-driven decision-making as well although their merits in this context are far less well understood. This in contrast to the more classical entropic distances which are known to enjoy optimal … Read more

Heteroscedasticity-aware residuals-based contextual stochastic optimization

We explore generalizations of some integrated learning and optimization frameworks for data-driven contextual stochastic optimization that can adapt to heteroscedasticity. We identify conditions on the stochastic program, data generation process, and the prediction setup under which these generalizations possess asymptotic and finite sample guarantees for a class of stochastic programs, including two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs … Read more

Residuals-based distributionally robust optimization with covariate information

We consider data-driven approaches that integrate a machine learning prediction model within distributionally robust optimization (DRO) given limited joint observations of uncertain parameters and covariates. Our framework is flexible in the sense that it can accommodate a variety of regression setups and DRO ambiguity sets. We investigate asymptotic and finite sample properties of solutions obtained … Read more

A General Framework for Optimal Data-Driven Optimization

We propose a statistically optimal approach to construct data-driven decisions for stochastic optimization problems. Fundamentally, a data-driven decision is simply a function that maps the available training data to a feasible action. It can always be expressed as the minimizer of a surrogate optimization model constructed from the data. The quality of a data-driven decision … Read more

Data-driven sample average approximation with covariate information

We study optimization for data-driven decision-making when we have observations of the uncertain parameters within the optimization model together with concurrent observations of covariates. Given a new covariate observation, the goal is to choose a decision that minimizes the expected cost conditioned on this observation. We investigate three data-driven frameworks that integrate a machine learning … Read more

An Analytical Study of Norms and Banach Spaces Induced by the Entropic Value-at-Risk

This paper addresses the Entropic Value-at-Risk (EVaR), a recently introduced coherent risk measure. It is demonstrated that the norms induced by EVaR induce the same Banach spaces, irrespective of the confidence level. Three spaces, called the primal, dual, and bidual entropic spaces, corresponding with EVaR are fully studied. It is shown that these spaces equipped … Read more