Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Arbitrary Precedence Graphs

A common assumption in the shop scheduling literature is that the processing order of the operations of each job is sequential; however, in practice there can be multiple connections and finish-to-start dependencies among the operations of each job. This paper studies flexible job shop scheduling problems with arbitrary precedence graphs. Rigorous mixed integer and constraint … Read more

Solution of Nonlinear Equations via Optimization

This paper presents four optimization models for solving nonlinear equation systems. The models accommodate both over-specified and under-specified systems. A variable endogenization technique that improves efficiency is introduced, and a basic comparative study shows one of the methods presented to be very effective. CitationSiwale, I. (2013). Solution of nonlinear equation systems via optimization. Technical Report … Read more

Practical Multi-objective Programming

This paper is on practical solutions to the multi-objective optimization problem; it advocates for single-point solutions either of the Nash equilibrium or the Tchebycheff compromise type, depending on whether one can reasonably ascribe competition or cooperation to the problem at hand. A transform method that greatly simplifies implementation of the compromise solution is presented and … Read more

Continuous Dynamic Constrained Optimisation – The Challenges

Many real-world dynamic problems have constraints, and in certain cases not only the objective function changes over time, but also the constraints. However, there is no research in answering the question of whether current algorithms work well on continuous dynamic constrained optimisation problems (DCOPs), nor is there any benchmark problem that reflects the common characteristics … Read more

Squeeze-and-Breathe Evolutionary Monte Carlo Optimisation with Local Search Acceleration and its application to parameter fitting

Estimating parameters from data is a key stage of the modelling process, particularly in biological systems where many parameters need to be estimated from sparse and noisy data sets. Over the years, a variety of heuristics have been proposed to solve this complex optimisation problem, with good results in some cases yet with limitations in … Read more

Project Scheduling

Nowadays, construction projects grow in complexity and size. So, finding feasible schedules which efficiently use scarce resources is a challenging task within project management. Project scheduling consists of determining the starting and finishing times of the activities in a project. These activities are linked by precedence relations and their processing requires one or more resources. … Read more

Dynamic Weighted Aggregation for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization

Weighted sum based approaches to multiobjective optimization is computationally very efficient. However,they have two main weakness: 1) Only one Pareto solution can be obtained in one run 2) The solutions in the concave part of the Pareto front cannot be obtained. This paper proposes a new theory on multiobjective optimization using weighted aggregation approach. Based … Read more