Eigenvalue, Quadratic Programming, and Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for a Cut Minimization Problem

We consider the problem of partitioning the node set of a graph into $k$ sets of given sizes in order to \emph{minimize the cut} obtained using (removing) the $k$-th set. If the resulting cut has value $0$, then we have obtained a vertex separator. This problem is closely related to the graph partitioning problem. In … Read more

A Spectral Algorithm for Improving Graph Partitions

In the cut-improvement problem, we are asked, given a starting cut (T,V\T) in a graph G, to find a cut with low conductance around(T, V\T) or produce a certificate that there is none. More precisely, for a notion of correlation between cuts, cut-improvement algorithms seek to produce approximation guarantees of the following form: for any … Read more

Graph Realizations Associated with Minimizing the Maximum Eigenvalue of the Laplacian

In analogy to the absolute algebraic connectivity of Fiedler, we study the problem of minimizing the maximum eigenvalue of the Laplacian of a graph by redistributing the edge weights. Via semidefinite duality this leads to a graph realization problem in which nodes should be placed as close as possible to the origin while adjacent nodes … Read more

The Rotational Dimension of a Graph

Given a connected graph $G=(N,E)$ with node weights $s\in\R^N_+$ and nonnegative edge lengths, we study the following embedding problem related to an eigenvalue optimization problem over the second smallest eigenvalue of the (scaled) Laplacian of $G$: Find $v_i\in\R^{|N|}$, $i\in N$ so that distances between adjacent nodes do not exceed prescribed edge lengths, the weighted barycenter … Read more

Size constrained graph partitioning polytope. Part II: Non-trivial facets

We consider the problem of clustering a set of items into subsets whose sizes are bounded from above and below. We formulate the problem as a graph partitioning problem and propose an integer programming model for solving it. This formulation generalizes several well-known graph partitioning problems from the literature like the clique partitioning problem, the … Read more

A novel integer programming formulation for the K-SONET ring assignment problem

We consider the problem of interconnecting a set of customer sites using SONET rings of equal capacity, which can be defined as follows: Given an undirected graph G=(V,E) with nonnegative edge weight d(u,v), (u,v) in E, and two integers K and B, find a partition of the nodes of G into K subsets so that … Read more

Embedded in the Shadow of the Separator

We study the problem of maximizing the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplace matrix of a graph over all nonnegative edge weightings with bounded total weight. The optimal value is the \emph{absolute algebraic connectivity} introduced by Fiedler, who proved tight connections of this value to the connectivity of the graph. Using semidefinite programming techniques and … Read more

Finding good nearly balanced cuts in power law graphs

In power law graphs, cut quality varies inversely with cut balance. Using some million node social graphs as a test bed, we empirically investigate this property and its implications for graph partitioning. We use six algorithms, including Metis and MQI (state of the art methods for finding bisections and quotient cuts) and four relaxation/rounding methods. … Read more