Hybrid methods for nonlinear least squares problems

This contribution contains a description and analysis of effective methods for minimization of the nonlinear least squares function $F(x) = (1/2) f^T(x) f(x)$, where $x \in R^n$ and $f \in R^m$, together with extensive computational tests and comparisons of the introduced methods. All hybrid methods are described in detail and their global convergence is proved … Read more

Exact Methods for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems with Pickup and Delivery in Real Time

The Traveling Salesman Problem with Pickup and Delivery (TSPPD) describes the problem of finding a minimum cost path in which pickups precede their associated deliveries. The TSPPD is particularly important in the growing field of Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problems (DPDP). These include the many-to-many Dial-A-Ride Problems (DARP) of companies such as Uber and Lyft, … Read more

Modeling with Metaconstraints and Semantic Typing of Variables

Recent research in hybrid optimization shows that a combination of technologies that exploits their complementary strengths can significantly speed up computation. The use of high-level metaconstraints in the problem formulation can achieve a substantial share of these computational gains by better communicating problem structure to the solver. During the solution process, however, metaconstraints give rise … Read more