A Levenberg-Marquardt Method for Nonsmooth Regularized Least Squares

\(\) We develop a Levenberg-Marquardt method for minimizing the sum of a smooth nonlinear least-squares term \(f(x) = \frac{1}{2} \|F(x)\|_2^2\) and a nonsmooth term \(h\). Both \(f\) and \(h\) may be nonconvex. Steps are computed by minimizing the sum of a regularized linear least-squares model and a model of \(h\) using a first-order method such … Read more

Accelerated derivative-free nonlinear least-squares applied to the estimation of Manning coefficients

A general framework for solving nonlinear least squares problems without the employment of derivatives is proposed in the present paper together with a new general global convergence theory. With the aim to cope with the case in which the number of variables is big (for the standards of derivative-free optimization), two dimension-reduction procedures are introduced. … Read more

Scalable Subspace Methods for Derivative-Free Nonlinear Least-Squares Optimization

We introduce a general framework for large-scale model-based derivative-free optimization based on iterative minimization within random subspaces. We present a probabilistic worst-case complexity analysis for our method, where in particular we prove high-probability bounds on the number of iterations before a given optimality is achieved. This framework is specialized to nonlinear least-squares problems, with a … Read more

Hybrid methods for nonlinear least squares problems

This contribution contains a description and analysis of effective methods for minimization of the nonlinear least squares function $F(x) = (1/2) f^T(x) f(x)$, where $x \in R^n$ and $f \in R^m$, together with extensive computational tests and comparisons of the introduced methods. All hybrid methods are described in detail and their global convergence is proved … Read more

Convergence and evaluation-complexity analysis of a regularized tensor-Newton method for solving nonlinear least-squares problems subject to convex constraints

Given a twice-continuously differentiable vector-valued function $r(x)$, a local minimizer of $\|r(x)\|_2$ within a convex set is sought. We propose and analyse tensor-Newton methods, in which $r(x)$ is replaced locally by its second-order Taylor approximation. Convergence is controlled by regularization of various orders. We establish global convergence to a constrained first-order critical point of $\|r(x)\|_2$, … Read more

A stochastic Levenberg-Marquardt method using random models with complexity results and application to data assimilation

Globally convergent variants of the Gauss-Newton algorithm are often the methods of choice to tackle nonlinear least-squares problems. Among such frameworks, Levenberg-Marquardt and trust-region methods are two well-established, similar paradigms. Both schemes have been studied when the Gauss-Newton model is replaced by a random model that is only accurate with a given probability. Trust-region schemes … Read more

Improving the Flexibility and Robustness of Model-Based Derivative-Free Optimization Solvers

We present DFO-LS, a software package for derivative-free optimization (DFO) for nonlinear Least-Squares (LS) problems, with optional bound constraints. Inspired by the Gauss-Newton method, DFO-LS constructs simplified linear regression models for the residuals. DFO-LS allows flexible initialization for expensive problems, whereby it can begin making progress from as few as two objective evaluations. Numerical results … Read more

Robust Numerical Calibration for Implied Volatility Expansion Models

Implied volatility expansions allow calibration of sophisticated volatility models. They provide an accurate fit and parametrization of implied volatility surfaces that is consistent with empirical observations. Fine-grained higher order expansions offer a better fit but pose the challenge of finding a robust, stable and computationally tractable calibration procedure due to a large number of market … Read more

Levenberg-Marquardt methods based on probabilistic gradient models and inexact subproblem solution, with application to data assimilation

The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is one of the most popular algorithms for the solution of nonlinear least squares problems. Motivated by the problem structure in data assimilation, we consider in this paper the extension of the classical Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to the scenarios where the linearized least squares subproblems are solved inexactly and/or the gradient model is … Read more


This paper describes a nonlinear least squares framework to solve a separable nonlinear ill-posed inverse problems that arises in blind deconvolution. It is shown that with proper constraints and well chosen regularization parameters, it is possible to obtain an objective function that is fairly well behaved and the nonlinear minimization problem can be effectively solved … Read more