An analytical lower bound for a class of minimizing quadratic integer optimization problems

Lower bounds on minimization problems are essential for convergence of both branching-based and iterative solution methods for optimization problems. They are also required for evaluating the quality of feasible solutions by providing conservative optimality gaps. We provide an analytical lower bound for a class of quadratic optimization problems with binary decision variables. In contrast to … Read more

Partitioning a graph into low-diameter clusters

This paper studies the problems of partitioning the vertices of a graph G = (V,E) into (or covering with) a minimum number of low-diameter clusters from the lenses of approximation algorithms and integer programming. Here, the low-diameter criterion is formalized by an s-club, which is a subset of vertices whose induced subgraph has diameter at … Read more

Column Elimination: An Iterative Approach to Solving Integer Programs

We present column elimination as a general framework for solving (large-scale) integer programming problems. In this framework, solutions are represented compactly as paths in a directed acyclic graph. Column elimination starts with a relaxed representation, that may contain infeasible paths, and solves a constrained network flow over the graph to find a solution. It then … Read more

Social Classroom Seating Assignment Problems

University students benefit academically, personally and professionally from an expansion of their in-class social network. To facilitate this, we present a novel and broadly applicable optimization approach that exposes individuals to as many as possible peers that they do not know. This novel class of ‘social seating assignment problems’ is parameterized by the social network, … Read more

An Introduction to Decision Diagrams for Optimization

This tutorial provides an introduction to the use of decision diagrams for solving discrete optimization problems. A decision diagram is a graphical representation of the solution space, representing decisions sequentially as paths from a root node to a target node. By merging isomorphic subgraphs (or equivalent subproblems), decision diagrams can compactly represent an exponential solution … Read more

The Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson TSP formulation is easy to solve for few subtour constraints

The most successful approaches for the TSP use the integer programming model proposed in 1954 by Dantzig, Fulkerson, and Johnson (DFJ). Although this model has exponentially many subtour elimination constraints (SECs), it has been observed that relatively few of them are needed to prove optimality in practice. This leads us to wonder: What is the … Read more

Analysis and discussion of single and multi-objective IP formulations for the Truck-to-dock Door Assignment Problem

This paper is devoted to the Truck-to-dock Door Assignment Problem. Two integer programming formulations introduced after 2009 are examined. Our review of the literature takes note of the criticisms and limitations addressed to the seminal work of 2009. Although the published adjustments that followed present strong argument and technical background, we have identified several errors, … Read more

The Prime Programming Problem: Formulations and Solution Methods

We introduce the prime programming problem as a subclass of integer programming. These optimization models impose the restriction of feasible solutions being prime numbers. Then, we demonstrate how several classical problems in number theory can be formulated as prime programs. To solve such problems with a commercial optimization solver, we extend the branch-and-bound procedure of … Read more

Equity-promoting Integer Programming Approaches For Medical Resident Rotation Scheduling

Motivated by our collaboration with a residency program at an academic health system, we propose new integer programming (IP) approaches for the resident-to-rotation assignment problem (RRAP). Given sets of residents, resident classes, and departments, as well as a block structure for each class, staffing needs, rotation requirements for each class, program rules, and resident vacation … Read more

Inverse of the Gomory Corner Relaxation of Integer Programs

We analyze the inverse of the Gomory corner relaxation (GCR) of a pure integer program (IP). We prove the inverse GCR is equivalent to the inverse of a shortest path problem, yielding a polyhedral representation of the GCR inverse-feasible region. We present a linear programming (LP) formulation for solving the inverse GCR under the \(L_{1}\) … Read more