GRASP with path-relinking for network migration scheduling

Network migration scheduling is the problem where inter-nodal traffic from an outdated telecommunications network is to be migrated to a new network. Nodes are migrated, one at each time period, from the old to the new network. All traffic originating or terminating at given node in the old network is moved to a specific node … Read more

GRASP for nonlinear optimization

We propose a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) for solving continuous global optimization problems subject to box constraints. The method was tested on benchmark functions and the computational results show that our approach was able to find, in a few seconds, optimal solutions for all tested functions despite not using any gradient information about … Read more

A Tabu Search Algorithm for Partitioning

We present an original method for partitioning by automatic classi- fication, using the optimization technique of tabu search. The method uses a classical tabu search scheme based on transfers for the minimization of the within variance; it introduces in the tabu list the indicator of the object transfered. This method is compared with two stochastic … Read more

An annotated bibliography of GRASP

This paper presents an annotated bibliography of greedy randomized adaptive search procedures (GRASP). The bibliography is current up to early 2004. The bibliography contains: background material; tutorials and surveys; enhancements to the basic method; hybrid methods; software; parallel GRASP; graph theory; quadratic and other assignment problems; location, layout, and cutting; covering, clustering, packing, and partitioning; … Read more

An updated bibliography of GRASP

This document contains references related to GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search procedure) that have either appeared in the literature or as technical reports. If you are aware of any uncited reference, incorrectly cited reference, or update to a cited reference, please contact Mauricio G. C. Resende at the address given at the end of this … Read more

A GRASP/VND heuristic for the phylogeny problem using a new neighborhood structure

A phylogeny is a tree that relates taxonomic units, based on their similarity over a set of characters. The phylogeny problem consists in finding a phylogeny with the minimum number of evolutionary steps. We propose a new neighborhood structure for the phylogeny problem. A GRASP heuristic based on this neighborhood structure and using VND for … Read more

GRASP and path-relinking: Recent advances and applications

A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is a multi-start metaheuristic which applies local search to starting solutions generated by a greedy randomized construction procedure. Until recently, most implementations of GRASP assumed independence of its iterations, thus making no use of memory structures. Path-relinking is an intensification strategy which explores trajectories between elite solutions. Using … Read more

A hybrid multistart heuristic for the uncapacitated facility location problem

We present a multistart heuristic for the uncapacitated facility location problem, based on a very successful method we originally developed for the P-median problem. We show extensive empirical evidence to the effectiveness of our algorithm in practice. For most benchmarks instances in the literature, we obtain solutions that are either optimal or a fraction of … Read more

A hybrid heuristic for the P-median problem

Given N customers and a set F of M potential facilities, the P-median problem consists in finding a subset of F with P facilities such that the cost of serving all customers is minimized. This is a well-known NP-complete problem with important applications in location science and classification (clustering). We present a multistart hybrid heuristic … Read more

A hybrid genetic algorithm for the weight setting problem in OSPF/IS-IS routing

Intra-domain traffic engineering aims to make more efficient use of network resources within an autonomous system. Interior Gateway Protocols such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and IS-IS (Intermediate System-Intermediate System) are commonly used to select the paths along which traffic is routed within an autonomous system. These routing protocols direct traffic based on link … Read more