A relative-error inertial-relaxed inexact projective splitting algorithm

For solving structured monotone inclusion problems involving the sum of finitely many maximal monotone operators, we propose and study a relative-error inertial-relaxed inexact projective splitting algorithm. The proposed algorithm benefits from a combination of inertial and relaxation effects, which are both controlled by parameters within a certain range. We propose sufficient conditions on these parameters … Read more

On the equivalence of the primal-dual hybrid gradient method and Douglas-Rachford splitting

The primal-dual hybrid gradient (PDHG) algorithm proposed by Esser, Zhang, and Chan, and by Pock, Cremers, Bischof, and Chambolle is known to include as a special case the Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for minimizing the sum of two convex functions. We show that, conversely, the PDHG algorithm can be viewed as a special case of the … Read more

ADMM for monotone operators: convergence analysis and rates

We propose in this paper a unifying scheme for several algorithms from the literature dedicated to the solving of monotone inclusion problems involving compositions with linear continuous operators in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. We show that a number of primal-dual algorithms for monotone inclusions and also the classical ADMM numerical scheme for convex optimization problems, … Read more

A Simplified Form of Block-Iterative Operator Splitting, and an Asynchronous Algorithm Resembling the Multi-Block ADMM

This paper develops what is essentially a simplified version of the block-iterative operator splitting method already proposed by the author and P. Combettes, but with more general initialization conditions. It then describes one way of implementing this algorithm asynchronously under a computing model inspired by modern HPC environments, which consist of interconnected nodes each having … Read more

Stochastic Approximations and Perturbations in Forward-Backward Splitting for Monotone Operators

We investigate the asymptotic behavior of a stochastic version of the forward-backward splitting algorithm for finding a zero of the sum of a maximally monotone set-valued operator and a cocoercive operator in Hilbert spaces. Our general setting features stochastic approximations of the cocoercive operator and stochastic perturbations in the evaluation of the resolvents of the … Read more

Asymptotic equivalence and Kobayashi-type estimates for nonautonomous monotone operators in Banach spaces

We provide a sharp generalization to the nonautonomous case of the well-known Ko\-ba\-yashi estimate for proximal iterates associated with maximal monotone operators. We then derive a bound for the distance between a continuous-in-time trajectory, namely the solution to the differential inclusion $\dot{x} + A(t)x\ni 0$, and the corresponding proximal iterations. We also establish continuity properties … Read more

Strong asymptotic convergence of evolution equations governed by maximal monotone operators

We consider the Tikhonov-like dynamics $-\dot u(t)\in A(u(t))+\varepsilon(t)u(t)$ where $A$ is a maximal monotone operator and the parameter function $\eps(t)$ tends to 0 for $t\to\infty$ with $\int_0^\infty\eps(t)dt=\infty$. When $A$ is the subdifferential of a closed proper convex function $f$, we establish strong convergence of $u(t)$ towards the least-norm minimizer of $f$. In the general case … Read more