Convergence analysis of the Peaceman-Rachford splitting method for nonsmooth convex optimization

In this paper, we focus on the convergence analysis for the application of the Peaceman-Rachford splitting method to a convex minimization model whose objective function is the sum of a smooth and nonsmooth convex functions. The sublinear convergence rate in term of the worst-case O(1/t) iteration complexity is established if the gradient of the smooth … Read more

Smoothing and Worst Case Complexity for Direct-Search Methods in Non-Smooth Optimization

For smooth objective functions it has been shown that the worst case cost of direct-search methods is of the same order as the one of steepest descent, when measured in number of iterations to achieve a certain threshold of stationarity. Motivated by the lack of such a result in the non-smooth case, we propose, analyze, … Read more

Behavior of BFGS with an Exact Line Search on Nonsmooth Examples

We investigate the behavior of the BFGS algorithm with an exact line search on nonsmooth functions. We show that it may fail on a simple polyhedral example, but that it apparently always succeeds on the Euclidean norm function, spiraling into the origin with a Q-linear rate of convergence; we prove this in the case of … Read more

Nonsmooth Optimization via BFGS

We investigate the BFGS algorithm with an inexact line search when applied to nonsmooth functions, not necessarily convex. We define a suitable line search and show that it generates a sequence of nested intervals containing points satisfying the Armijo and weak Wolfe conditions, assuming only absolute continuity. We also prove that the line search terminates … Read more

A Robust Gradient Sampling Algorithm for Nonsmooth, Nonconvex Optimization

Let $f$ be a continuous function on $\Rl^n$, and suppose $f$ is continuously differentiable on an open dense subset. Such functions arise in many applications, and very often minimizers are points at which $f$ is not differentiable. Of particular interest is the case where $f$ is not convex, and perhaps not even locally Lipschitz, but … Read more