Complexity results and active-set identification of a derivative-free method for bound-constrained problems

In this paper, we analyze a derivative-free line search method designed for bound-constrained problems. Our analysis demonstrates that this method exhibits a worst-case complexity comparable to other derivative-free methods for unconstrained and linearly constrained problems. In particular, when minimizing a function with $n$ variables, we prove that at most ${\cal O}(n\epsilon^{-2})$ iterations are needed to … Read more

A worst-case complexity analysis for Riemannian non-monotone line-search methods

In this paper we deal with non-monotone line-search methods to minimize a smooth cost function on a Riemannian manifold. In particular, we study the number of iterations necessary for this class of algorithms to obtain e-approximated stationary points. Specifically, we prove that under a regularity Lipschitz-type condition on the pullbacks of the cost function to … Read more

Worst-case evaluation complexity of a derivative-free quadratic regularization method

This short paper presents a derivative-free quadratic regularization method for unconstrained minimization of a smooth function with Lipschitz continuous gradient. At each iteration, trial points are computed by minimizing a quadratic regularization of a local model of the objective function. The models are based on forward finite-difference gradient approximations. By using a suitable acceptance condition … Read more

An Adaptive Trust-Region Method Without Function Evaluations

In this paper we propose an adaptive trust-region method for smooth unconstrained optimization. The update rule for the trust-region radius relies only on gradient evaluations. Assuming that the gradient of the objective function is Lipschitz continuous, we establish worst-case complexity bounds for the number of gradient evaluations required by the proposed method to generate approximate … Read more

A nonlinear conjugate gradient method with complexity guarantees and its application to nonconvex regression

Nonlinear conjugate gradients are among the most popular techniques for solving continuous optimization problems. Although these schemes have long been studied from a global convergence standpoint, their worst-case complexity properties have yet to be fully understood, especially in the nonconvex setting. In particular, it is unclear whether nonlinear conjugate gradient methods possess better guarantees than … Read more

Worst-Case Complexity of an SQP Method for Nonlinear Equality Constrained Stochastic Optimization

A worst-case complexity bound is proved for a sequential quadratic optimization (commonly known as SQP) algorithm that has been designed for solving optimization problems involving a stochastic objective function and deterministic nonlinear equality constraints. Barring additional terms that arise due to the adaptivity of the monotonically nonincreasing merit parameter sequence, the proved complexity bound is … Read more

Model-Based Derivative-Free Methods for Convex-Constrained Optimization

We present a model-based derivative-free method for optimization subject to general convex constraints, which we assume are unrelaxable and accessed only through a projection operator that is cheap to evaluate. We prove global convergence and a worst-case complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ iterations and objective evaluations for nonconvex functions, matching results for the unconstrained case. We introduce … Read more

Quadratic Regularization Methods with Finite-Difference Gradient Approximations

This paper presents two quadratic regularization methods with finite-difference gradient approximations for smooth unconstrained optimization problems. One method is based on forward finite-difference gradients, while the other is based on central finite-difference gradients. In both methods, the accuracy of the gradient approximations and the regularization parameter in the quadratic models are jointly adjusted using a … Read more

Derivative-free separable quadratic modeling and cubic regularization for unconstrained optimization

We present a derivative-free separable quadratic modeling and cubic regularization technique for solving smooth unconstrained minimization problems. The derivative-free approach is mainly concerned with building a quadratic model that could be generated by numerical interpolation or using a minimum Frobenious norm approach, when the number of points available does not allow to build a complete … Read more

A Line-Search Descent Algorithm for Strict Saddle Functions with Complexity Guarantees

We describe a line-search algorithm which achieves the best-known worst-case complexity results for problems with a certain “strict saddle” property that has been observed to hold in low-rank matrix optimization problems. Our algorithm is adaptive, in the sense that it makes use of backtracking line searches and does not require prior knowledge of the parameters … Read more