A Shifted Primal-Dual Interior Method for Nonlinear Optimization

Interior methods provide an effective approach for the treatment of inequality constraints in nonlinearly constrained optimization. A new primal-dual interior method is proposed based on minimizing a sequence of shifted primal-dual penalty-barrier functions. Certain global convergence properties are established. In particular, it is shown that every limit point is either an infeasible stationary point, or … Read more

Curvature Integrals and Iteration Complexities in SDP and Symmetric Cone Programs

In this paper, we study iteration complexities of Mizuno-Todd-Ye predictor-corrector (MTY-PC) algorithms in SDP and symmetric cone programs by way of curvature integrals. The curvature integral is defined along the central path, reflecting the geometric structure of the central path. The idea to exploit the curvature of the central path for the analysis of iteration … Read more

An inexact primal-dual path following algorithm for convex quadratic SDP

We propose primal-dual path-following Mehrotra-type predictor-corrector methods for solving convex quadratic semidefinite programming (QSDP) problems of the form: $\min_{X} \{ \frac{1}{2} X\bullet {\cal Q}(X) + C\bullet X : {\cal A} (X) = b, X\succeq 0\}$, where ${\cal Q}$ is a self-adjoint positive semidefinite linear operator on ${\cal S}^n$, $b\in R^m$, and ${\cal A}$ is a … Read more

Inexact primal-dual path-following algorithms for a special class of convex quadratic SDP and related problems

We propose a primal-dual path-following Mehrotra-type predictor-corrector method for solving convex quadratic semidefinite programming (QSDP) problems. For the special case when the quadratic term has the form $\frac{1}{2} X \bul (UXU)$, we compute the search direction at each iteration from the Schur complement equation. We are able to solve the Schur complement equation efficiently via … Read more

First- and Second-Order Methods for Semidefinite Programming

In this paper, we survey the most recent methods that have been developed for the solution of semidefinite programs. We first concentrate on the methods that have been primarily motivated by the interior point (IP) algorithms for linear programming, putting special emphasis in the class of primal-dual path-following algorithms. We also survey methods that have … Read more

Componentwise fast convergence in the solution of full-rank systems of nonlinear equations

The asymptotic convergence of parameterized variants of Newton’s method for the solution of nonlinear systems of equations is considered. The original system is perturbed by a term involving the variables and a scalar parameter which is driven to zero as the iteration proceeds. The exact local solutions to the perturbed systems then form a differentiable … Read more