A Projected-Search Interior Method for Nonlinear Optimization

This paper concerns the formulation and analysis of a new interior method for general nonlinearly constrained optimization that combines a shifted primal-dual interior method with a projected-search method for bound-constrained optimization. The method involves the computation of an approximate Newton direction for a primal-dual penalty-barrier function that incorporates shifts on both the primal and dual … Read more

Projected-Search Methods for Bound-Constrained Optimization

Projected-search methods for bound-constrained minimization are based on performing a line search along a continuous piecewise-linear path obtained by projecting a search direction onto the feasible region. A potential benefit of a projected-search method is that many changes to the active set can be made at the cost of computing a single search direction. As … Read more

A Shifted Primal-Dual Interior Method for Nonlinear Optimization

Interior methods provide an effective approach for the treatment of inequality constraints in nonlinearly constrained optimization. A new primal-dual interior method is proposed based on minimizing a sequence of shifted primal-dual penalty-barrier functions. Certain global convergence properties are established. In particular, it is shown that every limit point is either an infeasible stationary point, or … Read more

Active-Set Methods for Convex Quadratic Programming

Computational methods are proposed for solving a convex quadratic program (QP). Active-set methods are defined for a particular primal and dual formulation of a QP with general equality constraints and simple lower bounds on the variables. In the first part of the paper, two methods are proposed, one primal and one dual. These methods generate … Read more

On the Performance of SQP Methods for Nonlinear Optimization

This paper concerns some practical issues associated with the formulation of sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods for large-scale nonlinear optimization. SQP methods find an approximate solution of a sequence of quadratic programming (QP) subproblems in which a quadratic model of the objective function is minimized subject to the linearized constraints. Extensive numerical results are given … Read more

A Globally Convergent Stabilized SQP Method: Superlinear Convergence

Regularized and stabilized sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods are two classes of methods designed to resolve the numerical and theoretical difficulties associated with ill-posed or degenerate nonlinear optimization problems. Recently, a regularized SQP method has been proposed that allows convergence to points satisfying certain second-order KKT conditions (SIAM J. Optim., 23(4):1983–2010, 2013). The method is … Read more

A Regularized SQP Method with Convergence to Second-Order Optimal Points

Regularized and stabilized sequential quadratic programming methods are two classes of sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods designed to resolve the numerical and theoretical difficulties associated with ill-posed or degenerate nonlinear optimization problems. Recently, a regularized SQP method has been proposed that provides a strong connection between augmented Lagrangian methods and stabilized SQP methods. The method … Read more


Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods are a popular class of methods for nonlinearly constrained optimization. They are particularly effective for solving a sequence of related problems, such as those arising in mixed-integer nonlinear programming and the optimization of functions subject to differential equation constraints. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the formulation of \emph{stabilized} … Read more

Regularized Sequential Quadratic Programming

We present the formulation and analysis of a new sequential quadratic programming (\SQP) method for general nonlinearly constrained optimization. The method pairs a primal-dual generalized augmented Lagrangian merit function with a \emph{flexible} line search to obtain a sequence of improving estimates of the solution. This function is a primal-dual variant of the augmented Lagrangian proposed … Read more

Methods for Convex and General Quadratic Programming

Computational methods are considered for finding a point that satisfies the second-order necessary conditions for a general (possibly nonconvex) quadratic program (QP). The first part of the paper considers the formulation and analysis of an active-set method for a generic QP with both equality and inequality constraints. The method uses a search direction that is … Read more