S2MPJ and CUTEst optimization problems for Matlab, Python and Julia

A new decoder for the SIF test problems of the \cutest\ collection is described, which produces problem files allowing the computation of values and derivatives of the objective function and constraints of most \cutest\ problems directly within “native” Matlab, Python or Julia, without any additional installation or interfacing with MEX files or Fortran programs. When … Read more

Maintenance Optimization of Wagons Mix

This work proposes to create a tool for support for cost reduction in wagon maintenance through the distribution of the annual plan in workshops. The distribution depends on the type of wagon, the scope of the maintenance service that each workshop serves, and the capacity that is supported by the workshops. This plan is a … Read more

Customizing the Solution Process of COIN-OR’s Linear Solvers with Python

Implementations of the Simplex method differ only in very specific aspects such as the pivot rule. Similarly, most relaxation methods for mixed-integer programming differ only in the type of cuts and the exploration of the search tree. Implementing instances of those frameworks would therefore be more efficient if linear and mixed-integer programming solvers let users … Read more

Python Optimization Modeling Objects (Pyomo)

We describe Pyomo, an open-source tool for modeling optimization applications in Python. Pyomo can be used to define abstract problems, create concrete problem instances, and solve these instances with standard solvers. Pyomo provides a capability that is commonly associated with algebraic modeling languages like AMPL and GAMS. Pyomo leverages the capabilities of the Coopr software, … Read more