Multi-criteria Course Mode Selection and Classroom Assignment Under Sudden Space Scarcity

Problem Definition: While physical (or ‘social’) distancing is an important public health intervention during airborne pandemics, physical distancing dramatically reduces the effective capacity of classrooms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this presented a unique problem to campus planners who hoped to deliver a meaningful amount of in-person instruction in a way that respected physical distancing. This … Read more

A Fast and Robust Algorithm for Solving Biobjective Mixed Integer Programs

We present a fast and robust algorithm for solving biobjective mixed integer programs. The algorithm extends and merges ideas from two existing methods: the Boxed Line Method and the epsilon-Tabu Method. We demonstrate its efficacy in an extensive computational study. We also demonstrate that it is capable of producing a high-quality approximation of the nondominated … Read more

The Dynamic Freight Routing Problem for Less-than-Truckload Carriers

Less-than-Truckload (LTL) carriers transport freight shipments from origins to destinations by consolidating freight using a network of terminals. As daily freight quantities are uncertain, carriers dynamically adjust planned freight routes on the day of operations. We introduce the Dynamic Freight Routing Problem (DFRP) and model this problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). To overcome … Read more

Dynamic Discretization Discovery for Solving the Continuous Time Inventory Routing Problem with Out-and-Back Routes

In time dependent models, the objective is to find the optimal times (continuous) at which activities occur and resources are utilized. These models arise whenever a schedule of activities needs to be constructed. A common approach consists of discretizing the planning time and then restricting the decisions to those time points. However, this approach leads … Read more

Short-Term Inventory-Aware Equipment Management in Service Networks

Logistics companies often operate a heterogeneous fleet of equipment to support their service network operations. This introduces a layer of planning complexity as facilities need to maintain appropriate levels of equipment types to support operations throughout the planning horizon. We formulate an optimization model that minimizes the cost of executing a load plan, assuming knowledge … Read more

Learning Generalized Strong Branching for Set Covering, Set Packing, and 0-1 Knapsack Problems

Branching on a set of variables, rather than on a single variable, can give tighter bounds at the child nodes and can result in smaller search trees. However, selecting a good set of variables to branch on is even more challenging than selecting a good single variable to branch on. Generalized strong branching extends the … Read more

Substitution-based Equipment Balancing in Service Networks with Multiple Equipment Types

We investigate substitution-based equipment balancing for a package express carrier operating multiple equipment types in its service network. The weekly schedule of movements used to transport packages through the service network leads to changes in equipment inventory at the facilities in the network. We seek to reduce this change, i.e., the equipment imbalance associated with … Read more

Multivariable branching: A 0-1 knapsack problem case study

We explore the benefits of multi-variable branching strategies for linear programming based branch and bound algorithms for the 0-1 knapsack problem, i.e., of branching on sets of variables rather than on a single variable (the current default in integer programming solvers). We present examples where multi-variable branching shows advantage over single-variable branching, and partially characterize … Read more

The Value of Limited Flexibility in Service Network Designs

Less-than-truckload carriers rely on the consolidation of freight from multiple shippers to achieve economies of scale. Collected freight is routed through a number of transfer terminals at each of which shipments are grouped together for the next leg of their journeys. We study the service network design problem confronted by these carriers. This problem includes … Read more

Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problems with Penalties and Limits on Waiting

Waiting at the right location at the right time can be critically important in certain variants of time-dependent shortest path problems. We investigate the computational complexity of time-dependent shortest path problems in which there is either a penalty on waiting or a limit on the total time spent waiting at a given subset of the … Read more