Formulations and Valid Inequalities for Optimal Black Start Allocation in Power Systems

The restoration of a power system after an extended blackout starts around units with enhanced technical capabilities, referred to as black start units (BSUs). We examine the planning problem of optimally allocating these units on the grid subject to a budget constraint. We present a mixed integer programming model based on current literature in power … Read more

A scalable mixed-integer decomposition approach for optimal power system restoration

The optimal restoration problem lies at the foundation of the evaluation and improvement of resilience in power systems. In this paper we present a scalable decomposition algorithm, based on the integer L-shaped method, for solving this problem for realistic power systems. The algorithm works by partitioning the problem into a master problem and a slave … Read more

Strong Mixed-Integer Formulations for Power System Islanding and Restoration

The Intentional Controlled Islanding (ICI) and the Black Start Allocation (BSA) are two examples of problems in the power systems literature that have been formulated as Mixed Integer Programs (MIPs). A key consideration in both of these problems is that each island must have at least one energized generator. In this paper, we provide three … Read more

Optimal Black Start Allocation for Power System Restoration

Equipment failures, operator errors, natural disasters and cyber-attacks can and have caused extended blackouts of the electric grid. Even though such events are rare, preparedness for them is critical because extended power outages endanger human lives, compromise national security, or result in economic losses of billions of dollars. Since most of the generating units cannot … Read more

Optimization Driven Scenario Grouping

Scenario decomposition algorithms for stochastic programs compute bounds by dualizing all nonanticipativity constraints and solving individual scenario problems independently. We develop an approach that improves upon these bounds by re-enforcing a carefully chosen subset of nonanticipativity constraints, effectively placing scenarios into ‘groups’. Specifically, we formulate an optimization problem for grouping scenarios that aims to improve … Read more

PIPS-SBB: A parallel distributed-memory branch-and-bound algorithm for stochastic mixed-integer programs

Stochastic mixed-integer programs (SMIPs) deal with optimization under uncertainty at many levels of the decision-making process. When solved as extensive formulation mixed- integer programs, problem instances can exceed available memory on a single workstation. To overcome this limitation, we present PIPS-SBB: a distributed-memory parallel stochastic MIP solver that takes advantage of parallelism at multiple levels … Read more

Scenario Decomposition for 0-1 Stochastic Programs: Improvements and Asynchronous Implementation

A recently proposed scenario decomposition algorithm for stochastic 0-1 programs finds an optimal solution by evaluating and removing individual solutions that are discovered by solving scenario subproblems. In this work, we develop an asynchronous, distributed implementation of the algorithm which has computational advantages over existing synchronous implementations of the algorithm. Improvements to both the synchronous … Read more

A Study of Three-Period Ramp-Up Polytope

We study the polyhedron of the unit commitment problem, and consider a relaxation involving the ramping constraints. We study the three-period ramp-up polytope, and describe the convex-hull using a new class of inequalities. Citation[1] J. Ostrowski, M. F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli, \Tight mixed integer linear programming formulations for the unit commitment problem,” Power Systems, … Read more

Partition Inequalities for Capacitated Survivable Network Design Based on Directed P-Cycles

We study the design of capacitated survivable networks using directed p-cycles. A p-cycle is a cycle with at least three arcs, used for rerouting disrupted flow during edge failures. Survivability of the network is accomplished by reserving sufficient slack on directed p-cycles so that if an edge fails, its flow can be rerouted along the … Read more