Best Principal Submatrix Selection for the Maximum Entropy Sampling Problem: Scalable Algorithms and Performance Guarantees

This paper studies a classic maximum entropy sampling problem (MESP), which aims to select the most informative principal submatrix with a given size out of a covariance matrix from a system. MESP has been widely applied to many areas, including healthcare, power system, manufacturing, data science, etc. Investigating its Lagrangian dual and primal characterization, we … Read more

On the Cluster-aware Supervised Learning (CluSL): Frameworks, Convergent Algorithms, and Applications

This paper proposes a cluster-aware supervised learning (CluSL) framework, which integrates the clustering analysis with supervised learning (SL). The objective of CluSL is to simultaneously find the best clusters of the data points and minimize the sum of loss functions within each cluster. This framework has many potential applications in healthcare, operations management, manufacturing, and … Read more

Tractable Reformulations of Distributionally Robust Two-stage Stochastic Programs with $\infty- Distance

This paper studies a two-stage distributionally robust stochastic linear program under the type-∞ Wasserstein ball by providing sufficient conditions under which the program can be efficiently computed via a tractable convex program. By exploring the properties of binary variables, the developed reformulation techniques are extended to those with mixed binary random parameters. The main tractable … Read more

Sharing the Value-at-Risk under Distributional Ambiguity

This paper considers the problem of risk sharing, where a coalition of homogeneous agents, each bearing a random cost, aggregates their costs and shares the value-at-risk of such a risky position. Due to limited distributional information in practice, the joint distribution of agents’ random costs is difficult to acquire. The coalition, being aware of the … Read more

Robust Multi-product Newsvendor Model with Substitution under Cardinality-constrained Uncertainty Set

This work studies a Robust Multi-product Newsvendor Model with Substitution (R-MNMS), where the demand and the substitution rates are stochastic and are subject to cardinality-constrained uncertainty sets. The goal of this work is to determine the optimal order quantities of multiple products to maximize the worst-case total profit. To achieve this, we first show that … Read more

On Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Programs with Wasserstein Distance

This paper studies a distributionally robust chance constrained program (DRCCP) with Wasserstein ambiguity set, where the uncertain constraints should be satisfied with a probability at least a given threshold for all the probability distributions of the uncertain parameters within a chosen Wasserstein distance from an empirical distribution. In this work, we investigate equivalent reformulations and … Read more

Scalable Algorithms for the Sparse Ridge Regression

Sparse regression and variable selection for large-scale data have been rapidly developed in the past decades. This work focuses on sparse ridge regression, which enforces the sparsity by use of the L0 norm. We first prove that the continuous relaxation of the mixed integer second order conic (MISOC) reformulation using perspective formulation is equivalent to … Read more

Multi-Product Newsvendor Problem with Customer-driven Demand Substitution: A Stochastic Integer Program Perspective

This paper studies a multi-product newsvendor problem with customer-driven demand substitution, where each product, once run out of stock, can be proportionally substituted by the others. This problem has been widely studied in the literature, however, due to nonconvexity and intractability, only limited analytical properties have been reported and no efficient approaches have been proposed. … Read more

Approximation Algorithms for D-optimal Design

Experimental design is a classical statistics problem and its aim is to estimate an unknown m-dimensional vector from linear measurements where a Gaussian noise is introduced in each measurement. For the combinatorial experimental design problem, the goal is to pick k out of the given n experiments so as to make the most accurate estimate … Read more

Bicriteria Approximation of Chance Constrained Covering Problems

A chance constrained optimization problem involves constraints with random data which can be violated with probability bounded above by a prespecified small risk parameter. Such constraints are used to model reliability requirements in a variety of application areas such as finance, energy, service and manufacturing. Except under very special conditions, chance constrained problems are extremely … Read more