Linear Programming Lower Bounds for Minimum Converter Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks

In this paper, we study the conflict-free assignment of wavelengths to lightpaths in an optical network with the opportunity to place wavelength converters. To benchmark heuristics for the problem, we develop integer programming formulations and study their properties. Moreover, we study the computational performance of the column generation algorithm for solving the linear relaxation of … Read more

A linear programming approach to increasing the weight of all minimum spanning trees

Given a graph where increasing the weight of an edge has a nondecreasing convex piecewise linear cost, we study the problem of finding a minimum cost increase of the weights so that the value of all minimum spanning trees is equal to some target value. We formulate this as a combinatorial linear program and give … Read more

Further Extension of TSP Assign Neighborhood

We introduce a new extension of Punnen’s exponential neighborhood for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). In contrast to an interesting generalization of Punnen’s neighborhood by De Franceschi, Fischetti and Toth (2005), our neighborhood is searchable in polynomial time, a feature that invites exploitation by heuristic and metaheuristic procedures for the TSP and related problems, including … Read more

Finding good nearly balanced cuts in power law graphs

In power law graphs, cut quality varies inversely with cut balance. Using some million node social graphs as a test bed, we empirically investigate this property and its implications for graph partitioning. We use six algorithms, including Metis and MQI (state of the art methods for finding bisections and quotient cuts) and four relaxation/rounding methods. … Read more

Sums of Random Symmetric Matrices and Applications

Let B_i be deterministic symmetric m\times m matrices, and \xi_i be independent random scalars with zero mean and “of order of one” (e.g., \xi_i are Gaussian with zero mean and unit standard deviation). We are interested in conditions for the “typical norm” of the random matrix S_N = \xi_1B_1+…+\xi_NB_N to be of order of 1. … Read more

Parallel Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures

A GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) is a metaheuristic for producing good-quality solutions of combinatorial optimization problems. It is usually implemented with a construction procedure based on a greedy randomized algorithm followed by local search. In this Chapter, we survey parallel implementations of GRASP. We describe simple strategies to implement independent parallel GRASP heuristics … Read more

A Tabu Search Algorithm for Partitioning

We present an original method for partitioning by automatic classi- fication, using the optimization technique of tabu search. The method uses a classical tabu search scheme based on transfers for the minimization of the within variance; it introduces in the tabu list the indicator of the object transfered. This method is compared with two stochastic … Read more

Polyhedral Analysis for the Uncapacitated Hub Location Problem with Modular Arc Capacities

We consider the problem of installing a two-level telecommunication network. Terminal nodes communicate with each other through hubs. Hubs can be installed on terminal nodes and they are interconnected by a complete network. Each terminal is connected to a hub node by direct links. The aim is to minimize the cost of installing hubs and … Read more

Circular Ones Matrices and the Stable Set Polytope of Quasi-Line Graphs

It is a long standing open problem to find an explicit description of the stable set polytope of claw-free graphs. Yet more than 20 years after the discovery of a polynomial algorithm for the maximum stable set problem for claw-free graphs, there is even no conjecture at hand today. Such a conjecture exists for the … Read more

Robustness in Combinatorial Optimization and Scheduling Theory: An Extended Annotated Bibliography

This extended annotated bibliography focuses on what has been published during the last ten years in the area of combinatorial optimization and scheduling theory concerning robustness and other similar techniques dealing with worst case optimization under uncertainty and non-accuracy of problem data Citation Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Institute of Production and Logistics, Working paper Article … Read more