Reliable solution of convex quadratic programs with parametric active set methods

Parametric Active Set Methods (PASM) are a relatively new class of methods to solve convex Quadratic Programming (QP) problems. They are based on tracing the solution along a linear homotopy between a QP with known solution and the QP to be solved. We explicitly identify numerical challenges in PASM and develop strategies to meet these … Read more

A Parallel Inertial Proximal Optimization Method

The Douglas-Rachford algorithm is a popular iterative method for finding a zero of a sum of two maximal monotone operators defined on a Hilbert space. In this paper, we propose an extension of this algorithm including inertia parameters and develop parallel versions to deal with the case of a sum of an arbitrary number of … Read more

A contraction method with implementable proximal regularization for linearly constrained convex programming

The proximal point algorithm (PPA) is classical, and it is implicit in the sense that the resulting proximal subproblems may be as difficult as the original problem. In this paper, we show that with appropriate choices of proximal parameters, the application of PPA to the linearly constrained convex programming can result in easy proximal subproblems. … Read more

Finding approximately rank-one submatrices with the nuclear norm and l1 norm

We propose a convex optimization formulation with the nuclear norm and $\ell_1$-norm to find a large approximately rank-one submatrix of a given nonnegative matrix. We develop optimality conditions for the formulation and characterize the properties of the optimal solutions. We establish conditions under which the optimal solution of the convex formulation has a specific sparse … Read more

Bundle-type methods uniformly optimal for smooth and nonsmooth convex optimization

The bundle-level method and their certain variants are known to exhibit an optimal rate of convergence, i.e., ${\cal O}(1/\sqrt{t})$, and also excellent practical performance for solving general non-smooth convex programming (CP) problems. However, this rate of convergence is significantly worse than the optimal one for solving smooth CP problems, i.e., ${\cal O}(1/t^2)$. In this paper, … Read more

Convergence analysis of primal-dual algorithms for total variation image restoration

Recently, some attractive primal-dual algorithms have been proposed for solving a saddle-point problem, with particular applications in the area of total variation (TV) image restoration. This paper focuses on the convergence analysis of existing primal-dual algorithms and shows that the involved parameters of those primal-dual algorithms (including the step sizes) can be significantly enlarged if … Read more

Symmetric tensor approximation hierarchies for the completely positive cone

In this paper we construct two approximation hierarchies for the completely positive cone based on symmetric tensors. We show that one hierarchy corresponds to dual cones of a known polyhedral approximation hierarchy for the copositive cone, and the other hierarchy corresponds to dual cones of a known semidefinite approximation hierarchy for the copositive cone. As … Read more

On the acceleration of augmented Lagrangian method for linearly constrained optimization

The classical augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) plays a fundamental role in algorithmic development of constrained optimization. In this paper, we mainly show that Nesterov’s influential acceleration techniques can be applied to accelerate ALM, thus yielding an accelerated ALM whose iteration-complexity is O(1/k^2) for linearly constrained convex programming. As a by-product, we also show easily that … Read more

An accelerated inexact proximal point algorithm for convex minimization

The proximal point algorithm (PPA) is classical and popular in the community of Optimization. In practice, inexact PPAs which solves the involved proximal subproblems approximately subject to certain inexact criteria are truly implementable. In this paper, we first propose an inexact PPA with a new inexact criterion for solving convex minimization, and show that the … Read more