On generalized network design polyhedra

In recent years, there has been an increased literature on so-called Generalized Network Design Problems, such as the Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem and the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem. In such problems, the node set of a graph is partitioned into clusters, and the feasible solutions must contain one node from each cluster. Up to … Read more

Binary positive semidefinite matrices and associated integer polytopes

We consider the positive semidefinite (psd) matrices with binary entries, along with the corresponding integer polytopes. We begin by establishing some basic properties of these matrices and polytopes. Then, we show that several families of integer polytopes in the literature — the cut, boolean quadric, multicut and clique partitioning polytopes — are faces of binary … Read more

Approximating the asymmetric profitable tour

We study the version of the asymmetric prize collecting traveling salesman problem, where the objective is to find a directed tour that visits a subset of vertices such that the length of the tour plus the sum of penalties associated with vertices not in the tour is as small as possible. In \cite{Amico}, the authors … Read more

The Mcf-Separator – Detecting and Exploiting Multi-Commodity Flow Structures in MIPs

Given a general mixed integer program (MIP), we automatically detect block structures in the constraint matrix together with the coupling by capacity constraints arising from multi-commodity flow formulations. We identify the underlying graph and generate cutting planes based on cuts in the detected network. Our implementation adds a separator to the branch-and-cut libraries of Scip … Read more

Concrete Structure Design Using Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming with Complementarity Constraints

We present a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation to achieve minimum-cost designs for reinforced concrete (RC) structures that satisfy building code requirements. The objective function includes material and labor costs for concrete, steel reinforcing bars, and formwork according to typical contractor methods. Restrictions enforce correct geometry of the cross-section dimensions for each element and relative … Read more

n-step Mingling Inequalities: New Facets for the Mixed-Integer Knapsack Set

The n-step mixed integer rounding (MIR) inequalities of Kianfar and Fathi are valid inequalities for the mixed-integer knapsack set that are derived by using periodic n-step MIR functions and define facets for group problems. The mingling and 2-step mingling inequalities of Atamturk and Gunluk are also derived based on MIR and they incorporate upper bounds … Read more

An Improved Branch-and-Bound Method for Maximum Monomial Agreement

The NP-hard Maximum Monomial Agreement (MMA) problem consists of finding a single logical conjunction that best fits a weighted dataset of “positive” and “negative” binary vectors. Computing classifiers using boosting methods involves a maximum agreement subproblem at each iteration, although such subproblems are typically solved by heuristic methods. Here, we describe an exact branch and … Read more

Tightened L0 Relaxation Penalties for Classification

In optimization-based classification model selection, for example when using linear programming formulations, a standard approach is to penalize the L1 norm of some linear functional in order to select sparse models. Instead, we propose a novel integer linear program for sparse classifier selection, generalizing the minimum disagreement hyperplane problem whose complexity has been investigated in … Read more

A Time Bucket Formulation for the TSP with Time Windows

The Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (TSPTW) is the problem of finding a minimum-cost path visiting a set of cities exactly once, where each city must be visited within a given time window. We present an extended formulation for the problem based on partitioning the time windows into sub-windows, which we call “buckets”. We … Read more

Mixed Integer NonLinear Programs featuring “On/Off ” constraints: convex analysis and applications

We call ”on/off” constraint an algebraic constraint that is activated if and only if a corresponding boolean variable is turned ”on” or equal to 1. Our main subject of interest is to derive tight convex formulations of Mixed Integer NonLinear Programs (MINLPs) featuring ”on/off” constraints. We study the simple set defined by one ”on/off” constraint … Read more