Shrink-Wrapping trajectories for Linear Programming

Hyperbolic Programming (HP) –minimizing a linear functional over an affine subspace of a finite-dimensional real vector space intersected with the so-called hyperbolicity cone– is a class of convex optimization problems that contains well-known Linear Programming (LP). In particular, for any LP one can readily provide a sequence of HP relaxations. Based on these hyperbolic relaxations, … Read more

A Pure L1-norm Principal Component Analysis

The L1 norm has been applied in numerous variations of principal component analysis (PCA). L1-norm PCA is an attractive alternative to traditional L2-based PCA because it can impart robustness in the presence of outliers and is indicated for models where standard Gaussian assumptions about the noise may not apply. Of all the previously-proposed PCA schemes … Read more

A sufficiently exact inexact Newton step based on reusing matrix information

Newton’s method is a classical method for solving a nonlinear equation $F(z)=0$. We derive inexact Newton steps that lead to an inexact Newton method, applicable near a solution. The method is based on solving for a particular $F'(z_{k’})$ during $p$ consecutive iterations $k=k’,k’+1,\dots,k’+p-1$. One such $p$-cycle requires $2^p-1$ solves with the matrix $F'(z_{k’})$. If matrix … Read more

Matrix-Free Interior Point Method

In this paper we present a redesign of a linear algebra kernel of an interior point method to avoid the explicit use of problem matrices. The only access to the original problem data needed are the matrix-vector multiplications with the Hessian and Jacobian matrices. Such a redesign requires the use of suitably preconditioned iterative methods … Read more

Arc-Search Path-Following Interior-Point Algorithms for Linear Programming

Arc-search is developed in optimization algorithms. In this paper, simple analytic arcs are used to approximate the central path of the linear programming. The primal-dual path-following interior-point method is then used to search optimizers along the arcs for linear programming. They require fewer iterations to find the optimal solutions in all the tested problems in … Read more

The L1-Norm Best-Fit Hyperplane Problem

We formalize an algorithm for solving the L1-norm best-fit hyperplane problem derived using first principles and geometric insights about L1 projection and L1 regression. The procedure follows from a new proof of global optimality and relies on the solution of a small number of linear programs. The procedure is implemented for validation and testing. This … Read more

A Nonstandard Simplex Algorithm for Linear Programming

The simplex algorithm travels, on the underlying polyhedron, from vertex to vertex until reaching an optimal vertex. With the same simplex framework, the proposed algorithm generates a series of feasible points (which are not necessarily vertices). In particular, it is exactly an interior point algorithm if the initial point used is interior. Computational experiments show … Read more

Solving multi-objective network flow problems with an interior point method

In this paper we present a primal-dual interior-point algorithm to solve a class of multi-objective network flow problems. More precisely, our algorithm is an extension of the single-objective primal-dual infeasible and inexact interior point method for multi-objective linear network flow problems. A comparison with standard interior point methods is provided and experimental results on bi-objective … Read more

Simultaneously solving seven optimization problems in relative scale

In this paper we develop and analyze an efficient algorithm which solves seven related optimization problems simultaneously, in relative scale. Each iteration of our method is very cheap, with main work spent on matrix-vector multiplication. We prove that if a certain sequence generated by the algorithm remains bounded, then the method must terminate in $O(1/\delta)$ … Read more

Counter Example to A Conjecture on Infeasible Interior-Point Methods

Based on extensive computational evidence (hundreds of thousands of randomly generated problems) the second author conjectured that $\bar{\kappa}(\zeta)=1$, which is a factor of $\sqrt{2n}$ better than that has been proved, and which would yield an $O(\sqrt{n})$ iteration full-Newton step infeasible interior-point algorithm. In this paper we present an example showing that $\bar{\kappa}(\zeta)$ is in the … Read more