New lower bounds and asymptotics for the cp-rank

Let $p_n$ denote the largest possible cp-rank of an $n\times n$ completely positive matrix. This matrix parameter has its significance both in theory and applications, as it sheds light on the geometry and structure of the solution set of hard optimization problems in their completely positive formulation. Known bounds for $p_n$ are $s_n=\binom{n+1}2-4$, the current … Read more

Disjunctive Cuts for Cross-Sections of the Second-Order Cone

In this paper we provide a unified treatment of general two-term disjunctions on cross-sections of the second-order cone. We derive a closed-form expression for a convex inequality that is valid for such a disjunctive set and show that this inequality is sufficient to characterize the closed convex hull of all two-term disjunctions on ellipsoids and … Read more

Exact duality in semidefinite programming based on elementary reformulations

In semidefinite programming (SDP), unlike in linear programming, Farkas’ lemma may fail to prove infeasibility. Here we obtain an exact, short certificate of infeasibility in SDP by an elementary approach: we reformulate any equality constrained semidefinite system using only elementary row operations, and rotations. When the system is infeasible, the infeasibility of the reformulated system … Read more

How to Convexify the Intersection of a Second Order Cone and a Nonconvex Quadratic

A recent series of papers has examined the extension of disjunctive-programming techniques to mixed-integer second-order-cone programming. For example, it has been shown—by several authors using different techniques—that the convex hull of the intersection of an ellipsoid, $\E$, and a split disjunction, $(l – x_j)(x_j – u) \le 0$ with $l < u$, equals the intersection ... Read more

Strong duality in Lasserre’s hierarchy for polynomial optimization

A polynomial optimization problem (POP) consists of minimizing a multivariate real polynomial on a semi-algebraic set $K$ described by polynomial inequalities and equations. In its full generality it is a non-convex, multi-extremal, difficult global optimization problem. More than an decade ago, J.~B.~Lasserre proposed to solve POPs by a hierarchy of convex semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations … Read more

Calmness of linear programs under perturbations of all data: characterization and modulus

This paper provides operative point-based formulas (only involving the nominal data, and not data in a neighborhood) for computing or estimating the calmness modulus of the optimal set (argmin) mapping in linear optimization under uniqueness of nominal optimal solutions. Our analysis is developed in two different parametric settings. First, in the framework of canonical perturbations … Read more

A Novel Unified Approach to Invariance in Control

In this paper, we propose a novel, unified, general approach to investigate sufficient and necessary conditions under which four types of convex sets, polyhedra, polyhedral cones, ellipsoids and Lorenz cones, are invariant sets for a linear continuous or discrete dynamical system. In proving invariance of ellipsoids and Lorenz cones for discrete systems, instead of the … Read more

Active-set prediction for interior point methods using controlled perturbations

We propose the use of controlled perturbations to address the challenging question of optimal active-set prediction for interior point methods. Namely, in the context of linear programming, we consider perturbing the inequality constraints/bounds so as to enlarge the feasible set. We show that if the perturbations are chosen appropriately, the solution of the original problem … Read more

Coordinate shadows of semi-definite and Euclidean distance matrices

We consider the projected semi-definite and Euclidean distance cones onto a subset of the matrix entries. These two sets are precisely the input data defining feasible semi-definite and Euclidean distance completion problems. We characterize when these sets are closed, and use the boundary structure of these two sets to elucidate the Krislock-Wolkowicz facial reduction algorithm. … Read more

Two-Term Disjunctions on the Second-Order Cone

Balas introduced disjunctive cuts in the 1970s for mixed-integer linear programs. Several recent papers have attempted to extend this work to mixed-integer conic programs. In this paper we study the structure of the convex hull of a two-term disjunction applied to the second-order cone, and develop a methodology to derive closed-form expressions for convex inequalities … Read more