Scenario Reduction for Risk-Averse Stochastic Programs

In this paper we discuss scenario reduction methods for risk-averse stochastic optimization problems. Scenario reduction techniques have received some attention in the literature and are used by practitioners, as such methods allow for an approximation of the random variables in the problem with a moderate number of scenarios, which in turn make the optimization problem … Read more

A finite ε-convergence algorithm for two-stage convex 0-1 mixed-integer nonlinear stochastic programs with mixed-integer first and second stage variables

In this paper, we propose a generalized Benders decomposition-based branch and bound algorithm, GBDBAB, to solve two-stage convex 0-1 mixed-integer nonlinear stochastic programs with mixed-integer variables in both first and second stage decisions. In order to construct the convex hull of the MINLP subproblem for each scenario in closed-form, we first represent each MINLP subproblem … Read more

On stochastic auctions in risk-averse electricity markets with uncertain supply

This paper studies risk in a stochastic auction which facilitates the integration of renewable generation in electricity markets. We model market participants who are risk averse and reflect their risk aversion through coherent risk measures. We uncover a closed-form characterization of a risk-averse generator’s optimal pre-commitment behaviour for a given real-time policy, both with and … Read more

Bounds in multi-horizon stochastic programs

In this paper, we present bounds for multi-horizon stochastic optimization problems, a class of problems introduced in [16] relevant in many industry-life applications tipically involving strategic and operational decisions on two different time scales. After providing three general mathematical formulations of a multi-horizon stochastic program, we extend the definition of the traditional Expected Value problem … Read more

A Progressive Batching L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning

The standard L-BFGS method relies on gradient approximations that are not dominated by noise, so that search directions are descent directions, the line search is reliable, and quasi-Newton updating yields useful quadratic models of the objective function. All of this appears to call for a full batch approach, but since small batch sizes give rise … Read more

Tutorial on risk neutral, distributionally robust and risk averse multistage stochastic programming

In this tutorial we discuss several aspects of modeling and solving multistage stochastic programming problems. In particular we discuss distributionally robust and risk averse approaches to multistage stochastic programming, and the involved concept of time consistency. This tutorial is aimed at presenting a certain point of view of multistage stochastic programming, and can be viewed … Read more

Stochastic dual dynamic programming with stagewise dependent objective uncertainty

We present a new algorithm for solving linear multistage stochastic programming problems with objective function coefficients modeled as a stochastic process. This algorithm overcomes the difficulties of existing methods which require discretization. Using an argument based on the finiteness of the set of possible cuts, we prove that the algorithm converges almost surely. Finally, we … Read more

A deterministic algorithm for solving stochastic minimax dynamic programmes

In this paper, we present an algorithm for solving stochastic minimax dynamic programmes where state and action sets are convex and compact. A feature of the formulations studied is the simultaneous non-rectangularity of both `min’ and `max’ feasibility sets. We begin by presenting convex programming upper and lower bound representations of saddle functions — extending … Read more

Inexact cuts in Deterministic and Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming applied to linear optimization problems

We introduce an extension of Dual Dynamic Programming (DDP) to solve linear dynamic programming equations. We call this extension IDDP-LP which applies to situations where some or all primal and dual subproblems to be solved along the iterations of the method are solved with a bounded error (inexactly). We provide convergence theorems both in the … Read more

Convergence Analysis of Sample Average Approximation of Two-stage Stochastic Generalized Equations

A solution of two-stage stochastic generalized equations is a pair: a first stage solution which is independent of realization of the random data and a second stage solution which is a function of random variables. This paper studies convergence of the sample average approximation of two-stage stochastic nonlinear generalized equations. In particular an exponential rate … Read more