We present a MATLAB implementation of the shape-changing sym- metric rank-one (SC-SR1) method that solves trust-region subproblems when a limited-memory symmetric rank-one (L-SR1) matrix is used in place of the true Hessian matrix. The method takes advantage of two shape-changing norms [4, 3] to decompose the trust-region subproblem into two separate problems. Using one of … Read more

Bounds on Risk-averse Mixed-integer Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Problems with Mean-CVaR

Risk-averse mixed-integer multi-stage stochastic programming forms a class of extremely challenging problems since the problem size grows exponentially with the number of stages, the problem is non-convex due to integrality restrictions and the objective function is a dynamic measure of risk. For this reason, we propose a scenario tree decomposition approach, namely group subproblem approach, … Read more

Improved dynamic programming and approximation results for the knapsack problem with setups

We consider the 0-1 Knapsack Problem with Setups (KPS). Items are grouped into families and if any items of a family are packed, this induces a setup cost as well as a setup resource consumption. We introduce a new dynamic programming algorithm which performs much better than a previous dynamic program and turns out to … Read more

Multiple cuts in separating plane algorithms

This paper presents an extended version of the separation plane algorithms for subgradient-based finite-dimensional nondifferentiable convex blackbox optimization. The extension introduces additional cuts for epigraph of the conjugate of objective function which improve the convergence of the algorithm. The case of affine cuts is considered in more details and it is shown that it requires … Read more

Exact Approaches for the Knapsack Problem with Setups

We consider a generalization of the knapsack problem in which items are partitioned into classes, each characterized by a fixed cost and capacity. We study three alternative Integer Linear Programming formulations. For each formulation, we design an efficient algorithm to compute the linear programming relaxation (one of which is based on Column Generation techniques). We … Read more

Parallel stochastic line search methods with feedback for minimizing finite sums

We consider unconstrained minimization of a finite sum of $N$ continuously differentiable, not necessarily convex, cost functions. Several gradient-like (and more generally, line search) methods, where the full gradient (the sum of $N$ component costs’ gradients) at each iteration~$k$ is replaced with an inexpensive approximation based on a sub-sample~$\mathcal N_k$ of the component costs’ gradients, … Read more

Frechet inequalities via convex optimization

Quantifying the risk carried by an aggregate position $S_d\defn\sum_{i=1}^d X_i$ comprising many risk factors $X_i$ is fundamental to both insurance and financial risk management. Frechet inequalities quantify the worst-case risk carried by the aggregate position given distributional information concerning its composing factors but without assuming independence. This marginal factor modeling of the aggregate position in … Read more

Invariance conditions for nonlinear dynamical systems

Recently, Horv\’ath, Song, and Terlaky [\emph{A novel unified approach to invariance condition of dynamical system, submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation}] proposed a novel unified approach to study, i.e., invariance conditions, sufficient and necessary conditions, under which some convex sets are invariant sets for linear dynamical systems. In this paper, by utilizing analogous methodology, we … Read more

Steplength thresholds for invariance preserving of discretization methods of dynamical systems on a polyhedron

Steplength thresholds for invariance preserving of three types of discretization methods on a polyhedron are considered. For Taylor approximation type discretization methods we prove that a valid steplength threshold can be obtained by finding the first positive zeros of a finite number of polynomial functions. Further, a simple and efficient algorithm is proposed to numerically … Read more

A Simplified Form of Block-Iterative Operator Splitting, and an Asynchronous Algorithm Resembling the Multi-Block ADMM

This paper develops what is essentially a simplified version of the block-iterative operator splitting method already proposed by the author and P. Combettes, but with more general initialization conditions. It then describes one way of implementing this algorithm asynchronously under a computing model inspired by modern HPC environments, which consist of interconnected nodes each having … Read more