An Augmented Lagrangian based Algorithm for Distributed Non-Convex Optimization

This paper is about distributed derivative-based algorithms for solving optimization problems with a separable (potentially nonconvex) objective function and coupled affine constraints. A parallelizable method is proposed that combines ideas from the fields of sequential quadratic programming and augmented Lagrangian algorithms. The method negotiates shared dual variables that may be interpreted as prices, a concept … Read more

Distributed Optimization Methods for Large Scale Optimal Control

This thesis aims to develop and implement both nonlinear and linear distributed optimization methods that are applicable, but not restricted to the optimal control of distributed systems. Such systems are typically large scale, thus the well-established centralized solution strategies may be computationally overly expensive or impossible and the application of alternative control algorithms becomes necessary. … Read more

On the Global and Linear Convergence of the Generalized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

The formulation min f(x)+g(y) subject to Ax+By=b, where f and g are extended-value convex functions, arises in many application areas such as signal processing, imaging and image processing, statistics, and machine learning either naturally or after variable splitting. In many common problems, one of the two objective functions is strictly convex and has Lipschitz continuous … Read more

Distributed Basis Pursuit

We propose a distributed algorithm for solving the optimization problem Basis Pursuit (BP). BP finds the least L1-norm solution of the underdetermined linear system Ax = b and is used, for example, in compressed sensing for reconstruction. Our algorithm solves BP on a distributed platform such as a sensor network, and is designed to minimize … Read more

Dynamic Network Utility Maximization with Delivery Contracts

We consider a multi-period variation of the network utility maximization problem that includes delivery constraints. We allow the flow utilities, link capacities and routing matrices to vary over time, and we introduce the concept of delivery contracts, which couple the flow rates across time. We describe a distributed algorithm, based on dual decomposition, that solves … Read more