An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Conic Convex Programming

We propose a new first-order augmented Lagrangian algorithm ALCC for solving convex conic programs of the form min{rho(x)+gamma(x): Ax-b in K, x in chi}, where rho and gamma are closed convex functions, and gamma has a Lipschitz continuous gradient, A is mxn real matrix, K is a closed convex cone, and chi is a “simple” … Read more

Hankel Matrix Rank Minimization with Applications to System Identification and Realization

We introduce a flexible optimization framework for nuclear norm minimization of matrices with linear structure, including Hankel, Toeplitz and moment structures, and catalog applications from diverse fields under this framework. We discuss various first-order methods for solving the resulting optimization problem, including alternating direction methods of multipliers, proximal point algorithms and gradient projection methods. We … Read more

Fast global convergence of gradient methods for high-dimensional statistical recovery

Many statistical $M$-estimators are based on convex optimization problems formed by the combination of a data-dependent loss function with a norm-based regularizer. We analyze the convergence rates of projected gradient and composite gradient methods for solving such problems, working within a high-dimensional framework that allows the data dimension $\pdim$ to grow with (and possibly exceed) … Read more

An acceleration procedure for optimal first-order methods

We introduce in this paper an optimal first-order method that allows an easy and cheap evaluation of the local Lipschitz constant of the objective’s gradient. This constant must ideally be chosen at every iteration as small as possible, while serving in an indispensable upper bound for the value of the objective function. In the previously … Read more


In this paper we present a variant of the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm in which we invoke a subspace minimization subproblem on each iteration. We call this algorithm CGSO for “conjugate gradient with subspace optimization”. It is related to earlier work by Nemirovsky and Yudin. We apply the algorithm to solve unconstrained strictly convex problems. … Read more

Stochastic first order methods in smooth convex optimization.

In this paper, we are interested in the development of efficient first-order methods for convex optimization problems in the simultaneous presence of smoothness of the objective function and stochasticity in the first-order information. First, we consider the Stochastic Primal Gradient method, which is nothing else but the Mirror Descent SA method applied to a smooth … Read more

Fast First-Order Methods for Stable Principal Component Pursuit

The stable principal component pursuit (SPCP) problem is a non-smooth convex optimization problem, the solution of which has been shown both in theory and in practice to enable one to recover the low rank and sparse components of a matrix whose elements have been corrupted by Gaussian noise. In this paper, we first show how … Read more

A Sparsity Preserving Stochastic Gradient Method for Composite Optimization

We propose new stochastic gradient algorithms for solving convex composite optimization problems. In each iteration, our algorithms utilize a stochastic oracle of the gradient of the smooth component in the objective function. Our algorithms are based on a stochastic version of the estimate sequence technique introduced by Nesterov (Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic … Read more


We propose new versions of accelerated first order methods for convex composite optimization, where the prox parameter is allowed to increase from one iteration to the next. In particular we show that a full backtracking strategy can be used within the FISTA \cite{Beck-Teboulle-2009} and FALM algorithms \cite{Goldfarb-Ma-Scheinberg-2010} while preserving their worst-case iteration complexities of $O(\sqrt{L(f)/\epsilon})$. … Read more

First-order Methods of Smooth Convex Optimization with Inexact Oracle

We introduce the notion of inexact first-order oracle and analyze the behaviour of several first-order methods of smooth convex optimization used with such an oracle. This notion of inexact oracle naturally appears in the context of smoothing techniques, Moreau-Yosida regularization, Augmented Lagrangians and many other situations. We derive complexity estimates for primal, dual and fast … Read more