Equivalent Sufficient Conditions for Global Optimality of Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Program

We study the equivalence of several well-known sufficient optimality conditions for a general quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP). The conditions are classified in two categories. The first one is for determining an optimal solution and the second one is for finding an optimal value. The first category of conditions includes the existence of a saddle … Read more

Copositivity for second-order optimality conditions in general smooth optimization problems

Second-order local optimality conditions involving copositivity of the Hessian of the Lagrangian on the reduced linearization cone have the advantage that there is only a small gap between sufficient (the Hessian is strictly copositive) and necessary (the Hessian is copositive) conditions. In this respect, this is a proper generalization of convexity of the Lagrangian. We … Read more

Copositive relaxation beats Lagrangian dual bounds in quadratically and linearly constrained QPs

We study non-convex quadratic minimization problems under (possibly non-convex) quadratic and linear constraints, and characterize both Lagrangian and Semi-Lagrangian dual bounds in terms of conic optimization. While the Lagrangian dual is equivalent to the SDP relaxation (which has been known for quite a while, although the presented form, incorporating explicitly linear constraints, seems to be … Read more

Narrowing the difficulty gap for the Celis-Dennis-Tapia problem

We study the {\em Celis-Dennis-Tapia (CDT) problem}: minimize a non-convex quadratic function over the intersection of two ellipsoids. In contrast to the well-studied trust region problem where the feasible set is just one ellipsoid, the CDT problem is not yet fully understood. Our main objective in this paper is to narrow the difficulty gap that … Read more

Transposition theorems and qualification-free optimality conditions

New theorems of the alternative for polynomial constraints (based on the Positivstellensatz from real algebraic geometry) and for linear constraints (generalizing the transposition theorems of Motzkin and Tucker) are proved. Based on these, two Karush-John optimality conditions — holding without any constraint qualification — are proved for single- or multi-objective constrained optimization problems. The first … Read more