Primal-dual proximal bundle and conditional gradient methods for convex problems

This paper studies the primal-dual convergence and iteration-complexity of proximal bundle methods for solving nonsmooth problems with convex structures. More specifically, we develop a family of primal-dual proximal bundle methods for solving convex nonsmooth composite optimization problems and establish the iteration-complexity in terms of a primal-dual gap. We also propose a class of proximal bundle … Read more

Parameter-free proximal bundle methods with adaptive stepsizes for hybrid convex composite optimization problems

This paper develops a parameter-free adaptive proximal bundle method with two important features: 1) adaptive choice of variable prox stepsizes that “closely fits” the instance under consideration; and 2) adaptive criterion for making the occurrence of serious steps easier. Computational experiments show that our method performs substantially fewer consecutive null steps (i.e., a shorter cycle) … Read more

Proximal bundle methods for hybrid weakly convex composite optimization problems

This paper establishes the iteration-complexity of proximal bundle methods for solving hybrid (i.e., a blend of smooth and nonsmooth) weakly convex composite optimization (HWC-CO) problems. This is done in a unified manner by considering a proximal bundle framework (PBF) based on a generic bundle update framework which includes various well-known bundle update schemes. In contrast … Read more

A single cut proximal bundle method for stochastic convex composite optimization

This paper considers optimization problems where the objective is the sum of a function given by an expectation and a closed convex composite function, and proposes stochastic composite proximal bundle (SCPB) methods for solving it. Complexity guarantees are established for them without requiring knowledge of parameters associated with the problem instance. Moreover, it is shown … Read more

An Accelerated Inexact Dampened Augmented Lagrangian Method for Linearly-Constrained Nonconvex Composite Optimization Problems

This paper proposes and analyzes an accelerated inexact dampened augmented Lagrangian (AIDAL) method for solving linearly-constrained nonconvex composite optimization problems. Each iteration of the AIDAL method consists of: (i) inexactly solving a dampened proximal augmented Lagrangian (AL) subproblem by calling an accelerated composite gradient (ACG) subroutine; (ii) applying a dampened and under-relaxed Lagrange multiplier update; … Read more

A unified analysis of a class of proximal bundle methods for solving hybrid convex composite optimization problems

This paper presents a proximal bundle (PB) framework based on a generic bundle update scheme for solving the hybrid convex composite optimization (HCCO) problem and establishes a common iteration-complexity bound for any variant belonging to it. As a consequence, iteration-complexity bounds for three PB variants based on different bundle update schemes are obtained in the … Read more