Multiple Kernel Learning-Aided Column-and-Constraint Generation Method

Two-stage robust optimization (two-stage RO), due to its ability to balance robustness and flexibility, has been widely used in various fields for decision-making under uncertainty. This paper proposes a multiple kernel learning (MKL)-aided column-and-constraint generation (CCG) method to address this issue in the context of data-driven decision optimization, and releases a corresponding registered Julia package, … Read more

S2MPJ and CUTEst optimization problems for Matlab, Python and Julia

A new decoder for the SIF test problems of the \cutest\ collection is described, which produces problem files allowing the computation of values and derivatives of the objective function and constraints of most \cutest\ problems directly within “native” Matlab, Python or Julia, without any additional installation or interfacing with MEX files or Fortran programs. When … Read more

BilevelJuMP.jl: Modeling and Solving Bilevel Optimization in Julia

In this paper we present BilevelJuMP, a new Julia package to support bilevel optimization within the JuMP framework. The package is a Julia library that enables the user to describe both upper and lower-level optimization problems using the JuMP algebraic syntax. Due to the generality and flexibility our library inherits from JuMP’s syntax, our package … Read more

JuDGE.jl: a Julia package for optimizing capacity expansion

We present JuDGE.jl, an open-source Julia package for solving multistage stochastic capacity expansion problems using Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. Models for JuDGE.jl are built using JuMP, the algebraic modelling language in Julia, and solved by repeatedly applying mixed-integer programming. We illustrate JuDGE.jl by formulating and solving a toy knapsack problem, and demonstrate the performance of JuDGE.jl on … Read more