Batched Bin Packing

We introduce and study the batched bin packing problem (BBPP), a bin packing problem in which items become available for packing incrementally, one batch at a time. A batched algorithm must pack a batch before the next batch becomes known. A batch may contain several items; the special case when each batch consists of merely … Read more


Given an undirected graph G with nonnegative edges costs and nonnegative vertex penalties, the prize collecting Steiner problem in graphs (PCSPG) seeks a tree of G with minimum weight. The weight of a tree is the sum of its edge costs plus the sum of the penalties of those vertices not spanned by the tree. … Read more

Safe bounds in linear and mixed-integer programming

Current mixed-integer linear programming solvers are based on linear programming routines that use floating point arithmetic. Occasionally, this leads to wrong solutions, even for problems where all coefficients and all solution components are small integers. It is shown how, using directed rounding and interval arithmetic, cheap pre- and postprocessing of the linear programs arising in … Read more

Treewidth: Computational Experiments

Many NP-hard graph problems can be solved in polynomial time for graphs with bounded treewidth. Equivalent results are known for pathwidth and branchwidth. In recent years, several studies have shown that this result is not only of theoretical interest but can successfully be applied to find (almost) optimal solutions or lower bounds for many optimization … Read more

Lagrangian relaxation

Lagrangian relaxation is a tool to find upper bounds on a given (arbitrary) maximization problem. Sometimes, the bound is exact and an optimal solution is found. Our aim in this paper is to review this technique, the theory behind it, its numerical aspects, its relation with other techniques such as column generation. Citationin: Computational Combinatorial … Read more